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- ShiraDest on Çok Merci Cumhuriyet -“Nous sommes tous Charlie”
- CommunityCooperation on “I Refuse” = the 2 most powerful words in the English language
- Obs For Gands fan of Eric Frank Russell Abelard on “I Refuse” = the 2 most powerful words in the English language
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Tag Archives: Cooperation
What is spirituality, and why do I care? Four reasons….
August 20, 2015 20 August, 12015 HE A woman came up to me, after a Zembekiko at a Greek festival in the Boston area, and asked me ‘What do you feel when you dance?’ -I had to ask her what … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning, General
Tagged abuse, AdultRiteOfPassage, Cooperation, health, survivors, tools
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Çok Merci Cumhuriyet -“Nous sommes tous Charlie”
Merci pour soutenir La Laicité et la liberté du presse. Teşşekurler Laicité ve basın özgürlüğü destek ıçın. Thank you for supporting the Separation of Church and State, and freedom of the Press. ShiraDestinie -“Je Suis Charlie” 14 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning, General
Tagged Cooperation, exploitation, Gandhi, HumanEra, LaCoopération, TheWorldCalendar
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“Nous sommes tous Charlie” -We Are All Charlie Hebdo
Ladies and Gentlemen, keep a pen behind earch ear, and remember the words of FranceInter: the Human animal feels fear, but we must not allow our Human selves to give in to fear, nor to hatred. Freedom of thought remains … Continue reading
Protect others by teaching them how You Overcame…
How have you overcome, and taught others to overcome? Are you an adult? Take the Adulthood Challenge, and tell us: Then, write your autobiography! In service to Community Cooperation (and the Universal Holocene/Human Era Calendar…) ShiraDestinie, Universal Date (fka … Continue reading
Martin Luther King -Rabbinical Commentary poster inspired a Novel
MLK3speechHillelCommentaryStudy This speech, treated as a sacred text, inspired me to write my first practice Novel RealDraft6Creator Friend or Foe Beginnings ShiraDestinie Today’s ‘normal’ date is: Satur, December 20, 2014 Today’s U.N. Date is: Wednesday, December 20, 12014 H.E. (Holocene … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning, General
Tagged Cooperation, MartinLutherKing, WalkingTours
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“I Refuse” = the 2 most powerful words in the English language
Nov. 21st, 2014 09:34 am Original: ( We are taught to avoid strangers, which is important, or vigilance, rather, is important, but taught to trust those in authority and close to our families, which may not be the best for … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning
Tagged AdultRiteOfPassage, Cooperation, exploitation, Gandhi
signal boost for Sustainable and Equitable Urban Planning conference
Judith Eversley, a colleague from Bath CND, is planning an upcoming conference (5-7 November): “Equality in the City: Making Cities Socially Cohesive” or Peace, ShiraDestinie, 26.10.12014 HE Universal Date: Thursday, 26 October, 12014 H.E. (Holocene/Human Era) orig:
The War on Drugs -What happened to The War on Poverty?
Change has to come. But it does not have to be bloody. Yes, local elections, won in large numbers, can change things if the Federal government allows the change. But at the same time, I am convinced, we must have … Continue reading
Posted in CivilianConservationCorps, Continuous Shared Learning, Economic Democracy, General
Tagged Basic Income, Cooperation, Einstein Two Percent Plan, HoloceneEra, HumanEra, MEOWDate, MEOWvision, multiplelearningstyles, The Open Library Project of Internet Archive, TheWorldCalendar, Viktor Frankl
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Est-ce que je suis une adulte ? Partie 1 : La Définition
( ENGLISH : ) Mes critères pour être adulte sont au nombre de six : D’abord, chaque enfant doit être capable 1. de nager, autant que faire se peut 2. de se défendre (émotionnellement et physiquement), autant que faire se peut 3. … Continue reading
Marcus Aurelius would agree: “beware the dangers of Groupthink!”
Ancient: “If it be right and honest to be spoken or done, undervalue not thyself so much, as to be discouraged from it.” from The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Modern: “… beware the dangers of Groupthink! Just because all your … Continue reading
The MEOW Vision: A bit like Herland, but more equal
The ground-breaking novella Herland was a good start, but lacked a vision of fully inclusive equality. The MEOW Vision builds on Gilman’s ideas, with the aim of Fully Inclusive Equality. The Goals (allowing each person to contribute fully): 1. Each … Continue reading
Marriage and community: Dr. King showed us how marriage for all can keep us safe.
Marriage and community: how marriage for all keeps us safe: an interpretation of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s call for a Basic Income… If society exists to facilitate the maximization of potential of each member of society, and if … Continue reading
Intergenerational committment to shared ideals outweighs, but is affected by, historical differences.
The Girl, a hybrid from the poorest district in India, begins and ends very well. In between, she tells us how intergenerational committment to shared ideals outweighs, but is affected by, historical differences. Opposing communities use open communication (telephathy helps … Continue reading
DC Social Forum consensus: Public Banks, Time Banks and small groups build Cooperative Society
At the 2012 DC Social Forum, we came to a consensus: Public Banks, Time Banks and small groups build Cooperative Society. The joint presentations at the DC Social Forum, which was held in the DC Friend’s Meeting House, a wonderful … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Democracy
Tagged Community Currencies, Cooperation, Shared Monetary Governance, TimeBanks
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Don’t Step on a Crack, use the Marriage Cooperative instead
Don’t Step on a Crack -this thriller is more bones than meat. In his plot-driven thriller, Patterson at least tries to add meat by starting with two wonderful marriages, alas for the women. Perhaps they might have given the benefit … Continue reading
Did art help free enslaved individuals?
Art may have helped free individuals who were property, by acting in community Tracy Chevalier’s The Last Runaway show’s how different interpretations of art, and even sometimes silence, helped free enslaved people. She portrays the self-discipline and quiet determination of … Continue reading
“Delight, respect, and compassion” in the City of Sorrows: Christian-Jewish Deut.4:24 views via shared struggle, as portrayed using Minbari and ‘Earth’ religions, and analysed via your FaceBook Autobiography?
Well, I woke up this morning with my mind… pondering To Dream in the City of Sorrows. A good friend called me regarding the strange story of how Ziporah rescues either Moses or their son on the way to see … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning, Economic Democracy
Tagged Babylon5, Cooperation
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Winning glory on today’s battlefield: The Modern Mind
Renault’s excellent book The Persian Boy shows the difficulty of learning, and of teaching. Both would probably be easier if our society understood what it takes to teach a person a useful and neccesary skill from start to finish. Hence … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning, General
Tagged AdultRiteOfPassage, Babylon5, Cooperation
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Universal Income or Land: Reminding Us What We Could Be
I am a true Democrat: following the example of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Chaos or Community , I take seriously the idea that all are equal in dignity, in rights to live up to their full potential, and in ability … Continue reading
Why write your autobiography? Mar shows the adults…
Michel Grimaud shows us how one young person, too young to know that his task was impossible (a bit like Harry Potter and his friends, but written in 1978…), can do something worth writing about, as he becomes an adult. … Continue reading
Posted in Continuous Shared Learning, Economic Democracy
Tagged AdultRiteOfPassage, Cooperation
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Courage of Convictions, Meaning, and Framing in Context of…
Community Cooperation. As Hillary Clinton pointed out, it does indeed take a village, a united sense of purpose, and conviction to give meaning to life, and to our way of life. We should learn to ask why, before we arrive … Continue reading
Respect for Teachers == Respect for US All as a Society
02/27/2013 10:00:00 shirad Generating more respect for teachers requires cultural change People certainly should respect the difficult work that teachers do. This would probably be made easier if our children and adults understood what it takes to teach a person … Continue reading
Share the Research Data, NOW…
Normally this blog is not meant to address current events, but the Ebola outbreak begs a compelling question: Why can’t the Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc share the basic data that led to the creation of ZMapp, with other research labs around … Continue reading
New book on Community Cooperation to Share
Español “At the turn of the century, both communities developed similar ways of evading White discrimination. Both communities built their own institutions, … ” which “… deepens the connection between them. Cooperation in other areas built ties that would eventually … Continue reading
CCC and Cooperation: solving the underying issues that lead to war is the MEOW
Why do we need, in the USA, to recreate the Civilian Conservation Corps? Because, we need challenges. Of course, our society does have challenges, in spades. War seems to be the ultimate challenge. Yet war is preventable if we … Continue reading
Posted in CivilianConservationCorps
Tagged CCC, Cooperation, Einstein Two Percent Plan, war, William James