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- ShiraDest on Gatekeepers and Quipu (Khipu) Democracy
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- Obs For Gands fan of Eric Frank Russell Abelard on “I Refuse” = the 2 most powerful words in the English language
- CommunityCooperation on Martin Luther King -Rabbinical Commentary poster inspired a Novel
Tag Archives: multiplelearningstyles
Protect others by teaching them how You Overcame…
How have you overcome, and taught others to overcome? Are you an adult? Take the Adulthood Challenge, and tell us: Then, write your autobiography! In service to Community Cooperation (and the Universal Holocene/Human Era Calendar…) ShiraDestinie, Universal Date (fka … Continue reading
The War on Drugs -What happened to The War on Poverty?
Change has to come. But it does not have to be bloody. Yes, local elections, won in large numbers, can change things if the Federal government allows the change. But at the same time, I am convinced, we must have … Continue reading
Posted in CivilianConservationCorps, Continuous Shared Learning, Economic Democracy, General
Tagged Basic Income, Cooperation, Einstein Two Percent Plan, HoloceneEra, HumanEra, MEOWDate, MEOWvision, multiplelearningstyles, The Open Library Project of Internet Archive, TheWorldCalendar, Viktor Frankl
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Est-ce que je suis une adulte ? Partie 1 : La Définition
( ENGLISH : ) Mes critères pour être adulte sont au nombre de six : D’abord, chaque enfant doit être capable 1. de nager, autant que faire se peut 2. de se défendre (émotionnellement et physiquement), autant que faire se peut 3. … Continue reading
The MEOW Vision: A bit like Herland, but more equal
The ground-breaking novella Herland was a good start, but lacked a vision of fully inclusive equality. The MEOW Vision builds on Gilman’s ideas, with the aim of Fully Inclusive Equality. The Goals (allowing each person to contribute fully): 1. Each … Continue reading
I Had a Dream: Teaching via Hidden Race Riots and Community
After reading the excellent: Snow-Storm in August: The Struggle for American Freedom and Washington’s Race Riot of 1835 on history and community,I was, for some odd reason, facilitating a workshop at the YMCA, which I get the impression was in … Continue reading