Critical Mass London 25 September 2015

Route: Central St. Martins and a giant gherkin..
Two main stops were the bike sculpture by weiwei by the Gherkin, and the colourful fountains just north of King Cross. Did not go to the Palace.

Reports and Comments on FB:

03Simply a great night yesterday! Massive mass, chilling pace. Everything worked perfectly. Awesome party at the Gahrkin and perfect location to end at the fountains in S.Martins.

It was all pretty chilled and a bit low on energy for a while, but things picked up and I had a decent boogie at the end to some top tunes. Some one-point corking and little friction with drivers too, which is good. I liked the fresh route on what turned out to be a chilled, and pretty cheerful Critical Mass.

Good route especially the tunnels. Drivers seemed OK too.

04When we were going through the city, thought the front was shambolic, going way too fast, refusing to wait for the back to catch up, mass getting way too strung out. Hopefully the rest of it was good

I was at the front for a while and to honest I don’t think we realised we were going that fast, one of the guys told us to slow a little so we did.

Problem is too many people think going at the front means you can go at a good pace and zip along, but in fact it should be one of the slowest parts of the group.

Cheers guys for a great mass! Corking seemed to be better than last time I was there, albeit 3 months ago, all seemed to flow very smoothly.

Corking seemed pretty decent this evening, though we still need to work on sticking to the correct side of the road…

There was me looking at twitter to try to locate CM, when it looks like FB was the place to look for live-ish info…

The bubbles were great, thanks for bringing them! Gotta agree with you about the corking, it was much better than it has been recently.

One thought on “Critical Mass London 25 September 2015

  1. I was walking from Euston by the Angel on the way to my hotel down City road when I met the Mass coming the other way and, having never heard of it before, was absolutely gobsmacked. What a wickedly brilliant idea, there were hundreds of well behaved, entertaining cyclists with a few skateboarders, obviously having great fun. I just followed for a bit and ended up an extra mile from where I was going. What a lark! Keep it up folks.

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