Monthly Archives: April 2011

Heteronomativity and the war of language

by Paul Challinor One word I cannot abide being used is “gay”. Of course I mean when the word is used to denote crap, shit or bollocks. I am gay, and I am gay because I am a man who … Continue reading

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Disability is a feminist issue

By S.E. Smith This article was originally published on the FWD (Feminists with Disabilities) blog. FWD is all about the intersection between feminism and disability issues, so it’s worth talking about why I think (know) disability is a feminist issue. … Continue reading

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No Pretence: Class or is anybody out there?

We are all oppressed by the class system, but there is nobody ‘out there’ who isn’t also oppressed by white supremacy, imperialism, heterosexism, patriarchy, ableism, ageism…Pretending these systems don’t exist or can be subsumed into capitalist oppression, doesn’t deal with … Continue reading

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Cissexism: the belief that transsexual genders are less valid than cissexual genders. Cissexual: “[…] people who are not transsexual and who have only ever experienced their subconscious and physical sexes as being aligned” (Julia Serano) Cissexual privilege: Experienced by cissexuals … Continue reading

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Feminist power

Author: Shotgun Seamstress [Complete version of this piece on the Shotgun Seamstress blog] Everyone’s different, so not everyone’s going to agree about whether feminism is still relevant or necessary. I mean, if you’re a middle class, college educated white lady … Continue reading

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Going beyond activism

By MG I have been frustrated with the culture and lifestyle associated with activism for a long time. In the UK, where I live, a particular, narrow section of the community seems to have taken ownership of the term “activist” … Continue reading

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No Pretence: Movement or why we aren’t one

In June 2009 a group of anarcha-feminists took the stage at the UK Anarchist Conference to protest about sexist oppression within the movement. They projected a film and read out a statement based on the themes of the conference, which … Continue reading

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Issue 1: Intro

Dangerous Conversations is a project born out of the struggle to end systems of domination. Our involvement in movements described as anarchist, activist, horizontalist, and so on has been at times inspiring and at other times disillusioning and frustrating. This … Continue reading

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Dangerous Conversations available to download

The first issue of Dangerous Conversations is now available to download as a PDF. We will also be publishing the entire text of the zine on the blog soon.

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