Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Pond Farm, Hillfield.

HIT REPORT : Saturday 29th December 2018

BSV Hunt meeting at Pond Farm, Hilfield

Leaving the meet just after 11:30am mark “Lugz” Doggrell headed east towards Little Coppice, foot teams went in at Penn Wood and along the Little Coppice bridle way. The huntsman and hounds spent about 20 minutes searching this coppice with the field standing around watching. Having been unable to locate their fictional trail they began searching Great Coppice and Twisting Alders Coppice.
Continuing East the hounds were cast through West Wood towards Cockeram’s Plantation. The hunt were next sighted heading East along the Newlands Farm bridle path and up onto the ridge.

This is the moment the hunt took over our job and began sabbing themselves… with the pack split in two and appearing to be following two different ‘trails’ the riders were left scattered in small groups in surrounding fields and lanes. Hunt support vehicles were driving round quite bewildered and none the wiser, although they were kept busy herding the odd loose hound into the back of their vehicles. Having heard some of the hounds in Ruppen coppice we maintained a presence along the road by Minterne Seat coppice where we observed yet another loose hound. Eventually the huntsman and hounds were reunited here. This hoo-ha had cost them over an hours valuable killing time.

Having most of his hounds back Lugz headed north and they exited at Penn Wood moving West to try their hand at picking up their elusive “trail” again in Twisting Alders Coppice. Then continuing West they searched West Wood… AGAIN ! Foot sabs were in the field when the huntsman’s persistence finally paid off and the hounds picked up on the scent of a fox. Edward “The Rural Genius” Doggrell made an appearance and was very vocal urging the hounds onto the line of the fox which went through a thick hedgerow, there was a gate each end of this field – surely the trail layer would have ran through the gate coz theres no way he got through the hedge ?? Today was one of the most blatant days of not laying a trial we have ever seen !!

This fox took the hounds in the direction of Newlands Farm …. with a foot team in tow. The hounds left Newlands Farm heading South to Batcombe where it is believed they marked this fox to ground. A fox was observed in the area by the monitors we were working alongside today. A foot team went in but hunt support and riders were soon on their mobiles to warn the huntsman who reluctantly moved the hounds on. The drone was deployed to ensure the area was clear of all hunt staff especially the terrier thugs who we know like have a cheeky dig out.

Monitors remained with the hunt as they moved onto Hermitage with the hounds taken through Frog’s Folly Plantation, an area they were in earlier this month. In the coppice next door, Furzy Drong, the hounds picked up on the scent of a fox. The drone was in action overhead at this time. This fox was chased through Admiral Digby’s Plantation, over in the direction of Leigh and then back along the length of Stone Rush Drove. By now the light had faded and with no regard for hound, horse, rider, support or general public safety the huntsman was not about to give up on the chance of a kill he exited Stone Rush Drove on foot. The huntsman walked up the road towards Osmond Farm casting the hounds through a small wooded area beside the road trying to put them back on the line of the fox. Sabs escorted Lugz and his hounds on foot until he remounted and went in at Osmond Farm heading East to Rhymehorn with what was left of his field in tow. Sab and monitor persistent paid off and with the hounds unable to pick up this line again the disappointed hunt headed back to pack up at Almshouse Farm just after 4.30pm.

Apart from them sabbing themselves today with terrible hound control there was a pheasant shoot in the area hosted by Manor Farm, Hilfield and this meant the area the hunt could use was restricted. On our patrolling when the hounds disappeared we observed the truck that carries the pheasant shooters parked by the farm with the back doors of their vehicle open and all the guns in full view whilst they stopped for lunch !

Another major factor that didn’t help the BSV today is that Brian May owns some woodland near Hermitage which they know they are absolutely, defiantly, positively not allowed on …. Brian is a great guy !!

A big shout out and thanks to Somerset Wildlife Crime, between us we saved at least 3 foxes !! We would really like to know what Dorset Police are going to do to combat illegal hunting in Dorset because their current tactics are not working. Its not just illegal hunting, there are assaults, drink driving, traffic offences, quads with 3 up, blocking of roads ….. the list is never ending. We urge you to please contact dorset police and ask what they are gong to be doing to combat all this countryside crime please ?

As ever a huge thanks to our supporters and donators.