
Nov 9 2018 – RSPB  ‘culling’ foxes and crows to increase Curlew numbers.

The RSPB has embarked on a cull (controlled slaughter) of wildlife in what it claims is an attempt to increase Curlew numbers on its reserves. Changing patterns of land use, urbanisation, and the spread of intensive farming practices have led to a marked decline in Curlew numbers as the birds find it increasingly difficult to find ecological niches in a degraded landscape.

Rather than focusing on restoration of habitat, the RSPB has chosen the route of ‘predator control,’ the unsustainable practice of attempting to remove competing species in the same eco-system. This approach is not only fruitless (other foxes and crows will simply replace those culled) but inherently cruel. In fact the approach is based on a template developed by the grouse shooting industry, which simply ‘manages’ landscapes in the interests of shooters who want to kill lots of grouse or pheasant.

The Hunt Investigation Team has uncovered evidence that the RSPB is indeed collaborating with bloodsports enthusiasts to conduct the cull. You can read the Hunt Investigation Team’s report below:

RSPB employing bloodsports enthusiasts.

If you’re a member of the RSPB you might wish to raise your concerns with the organisation, and consider cancelling your membership. We live in a time of increasing violence towards the non-human animals we share our world with. We don’t expect organisations who claim they’re dedicated to conservation to join in the pointless bloodletting.

Contact the RSPB

Nov 9 2018 – Vets call out Defra on Badger cull

Breaking: Senior veterinary professionals call out Defra’s lies following cruel badger cull

Full Statement


Nov 1 2018 – Tip us off!

Today marks the first day of the main fox hunting season. Throughout the UK saboteurs are on the ground, saving as many lives as possible.

Please contact us in confidence with any information of hunt meeting times and locations: 07443148426


Oct 31 2018: Fitzwilliam Hunt attempts to gain injunction against Sabs.

On Tuesday 16th October, at the High Court in London, members of North CambsBeds & Bucks and Northants Hunt Sabs  were the subjects of a request for a wide reaching injunction from the Fitzwilliam Hunt.

In the past six months alone, members of the Fitzwillliam Hunt have been convicted of assault, criminal damage – and crucially – hunting a fox with dogs. These convictions have all been gained following evidence submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service and police by hunt saboteurs.

Following a new 2018/19 season where the assaults from hunt supporters have already commenced, and complaints to police have started to mount up, the Fitzwilliam have opened their bottomless wallets (the owner of the hunt was listed as one the 100 most wealthy people in the country, in the 2016 Sunday Times rich list) and commenced a hugely expensive legal process to prevent hunt sabs from attending their meets.

In a real-life David vs Goliath case, twelve ordinary working people are now faced with a court case against a multi millionaire owner of some 17,000 acres of hunting land alone.

While the Fitzwilliam’s initial 300 page court submission, followed by two days notice of an initial court hearing, was rejected by the judge, a cut-down injunction which prevents legitimate protest activity against illegal hunting is now under consideration by the courts.

Sabs have launched a crowd-funded campaign to help cover anticipated legal costs. It’s vital that this campaign is supported, and that the right of protest and freedom of assembly is maintained. This affects everybody. An injury to one is an injury to all.

You can donate to the campaign via the link below: