HIT REPORT : BSV Saturday 2nd November 2019 MEET : Nylands Farm, Kington Magna

The hunt moved off from the meet at around noon – the late start reassume was down to the rugby final. The huntsman headed to the North of the meet to Nyland Withy Beds a place we know they like to frequent and sabs were dropped in early as we expected them to go here. The ground was very wet underfoot and the hunt didn’t stay in the area for very long before heading north tin the direction of Pelsham Farm, which is another place they like to frequent. Picking up on a scent of a fox the hunt never made it up to Pelsham Farm and the fox took them towards Moormill Withy Bed and from there to an area near Moormill Bridge. Today we had the pleasure off working with monitors and Somerset Wildlife Crime and luckily for the fox there were in this area and observed a second fox as the hunt crossed Common Lane heading towards the village of Whitchurch.

One fox ran into the built up area and was left. The other fox ran to the east of the village and was observed by sabs in the landy running into a stable yard. Sabs were soon down the drive way despite the usual protests from the hunt support about trespassing – but there was a fox to be saved and that will always be of the upmost importance. The hounds were appearing to mark a small, very overgrown pit in the ground and we are sure this is where the fox was now hiding. A sing song began with the huntsman’s son, famous for his brawling outside the William Dampier pub in Yeovil, Edward Doggrell on one side shouting “on, on’ to encourage the hounds on to the fox and “leave it” from the sabs on the other side of the small trees and brambles.

The sabs stood their ground and eventually the hounds were gathered and taken to the woodland adjacent to Park Lane where the hounds became extremely vocal. The hounds had picked up on the scent of another fox and this was confirmed when the fox crossed the lane in front of the Landy and behind the monitors vehicle. The line of this fox was soon drenched in citronella leaving him safe to live another day. Meanwhile the monitors moved to Yenston and headed towards Templecombe and as they left the village they observed a fox crossing the road by the temporary traffic lights and immediately contacted us on the radio knowing we were not far behind them. We were soon on the scene and the line the fox took and the surrounding area was drenched in citronella just before the huntsman and hounds appeared and this fox lived to see another day

Followers who witnessed the fox crossing – and the monitors position – sent a message to the front end of the hunt and a whip was positioned to prevent any chase developing by the hounds. The hunt seemingly not able to make their mind up as to where to operate, crossed south west of the A357 to the Windmill Hill side at Yenston and then back again down the short lane opposite Sedgemoor Farm.
The hunt then crossed the A357 again south east of Chapel Lane in the valley below that often holds foxes. Indeed after some searching two foxes were on the run with one in particular jinking in the fields and properties of Yenston.
This fox showed signs of being pressed really hard and monitors had grave doubts as to its survival. However after some very tight circles the fox took refuge within a thick hedge and stayed there – so did the monitors!
Thereafter the hunt found the line of the second fox and moved to Martins Copse before information suggests losing to the built up area of Templecombe. With darkness approaching the hunt started to disperse and moved back towards the meet at Nyland.

Today was a very fast moving day with foxes popping up all over the place which is bizarre seeing as fox hunting is illegal ? The hunt claim accidents happen but these would not have accidents today …. It was blatant hunting !!

A huge thanks to the monitors and Somerset Wildlife Crime for working with us today – its always a pleasure when we do such a great job !!

Our photos and videos will be uploaded shortly but in the meantime you can watch Somerset Wildlife Crime video here ….

As ever if you want to join us please do get in touch either by sending us a message or an email to dorsethuntsabs@riseup.net