Housing Infonight 25th October

Housing is one of the biggest problems that many people are facing at the moment, in Hackney and the rest of the country: council housing under constant attack, less and less affordable decent houses, extortionate rents, home repossessions, evictions…

Whether we are tenants facing increasing rent, mortgage buyers hit by the crisis, homeless in hostels, in squats or on the streets, we’re all struggling for decent housing.  Everyone deserves a home!?

As a small group in Hackney we are pulling together a public meeting to discuss Housing in Hackney on Tuesday 25th of October.  …to talk, learn, listen, and think about how to struggle together.

There will be a line up of speakers posted here nearer the date.

Some of the organisations that are being invited include Defend Council Housing, London Coaltion Against Poverty, Hackney Housing Group, Squatter’s Action for Secure Homes (SQUASH), CRISIS, Hackney Welfare Action, Counter Olympics Network (Hackney Affiliate), Hackney Alliance to Defend Public Services, Tenants associations, Advisory Service for Squatters, a speaker on building anti-eviction networks, and hopefully someone to speak on home repossessions. If you have other suggestions for speakers or people to invite please let us know. The format should be relatively brief presentations from speakers at the beginning and then time for discussion and fight back. If the attendance is very large we may break into slightly smaller discussion groups with a final report back from each group. In this way more people will be able to speak. If you have any other suggestions or can help with publicity that would be greatly appreciated.


The meeting will be held at Marcon Court and Apsland Estates Community Hall. Tuesday 25th October, 7-9pm. The Hall is located in the estate just off Amhurst Road directly next to Hackney Central station.Buses 276, 30, 253, & 254.






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