13th Annual March Against Deaths in Police Custody

Saturday 29th October

Meet at 12.30pm, Trafalgar Square, South side of Nelsons Column, London WC2N 5DN. Nearest tube: Charing Cross
Silent Procession along Whitehall followed by Noisy Protest at Downing Street!

The demo has been called by the United Families and Friends Campaign.UFFC is a coalition of families and friends of those that have died in the custody of police and prison officers as well as those who are killed in secure psychiatric hospitals. It includes the families of Roger Sylvester, Leon Patterson, Rocky Bennett, Alton Manning, Christopher Alder, Brian Douglas, Joy Gardner, Aseta Simms, Ricky Bishop, Paul Jemmott, Harry Stanley, Glenn Howard, Mikey Powell, Jason Mcpherson and Sean Rigg to name but a few. Together we are building a network for collective action to end deaths in custody.

About londonabc

London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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