Noise Demo at HMP Brixton

5th of June 2012. Meet at 3pm outside Brixton underground station.

A noise demo to show solidarity with prisoners at HMP Brixton, because frankly we don’t feel like celebrating 60 years of having a queen, especially a queen who takes pleasure from imprisoning our mates, comrades, and other fellow human beings.

What kind of a sick mind takes pleasure from locking people up in prison?

Prisons destroy people. They destroy families, friendships, and communities too. Putting somebody in prison is an act of violence which contributes nothing real or positive and only brutalises those who are already struggling. We don’t believe that prison is the answer to any question we have ever asked.

We want to show the people inside HMP Brixton that they are not alone, that they are not forgotten, that queen liz and her government have not succeeding in hiding them away from us, that we support them and give a shit about them. That we think prison is a crime.

So, please join us on 5th June, part of the so-called “jubilee weekend” for a noisy and spirited demo at HMP Brixton. We’ll meet outside Brixton underground station at 3pm to walk up to the prison together. Please bring things to make noise with, your mates, and your righteous rage.


London ABC thought the jubilee was pants, so on the 5th of June 2012 we organised a noise demo at Brixton Prison to show solidarity with all those incarcerated in ‘her majesty’s prisons’. Despite the rain, between 30 and 40 people showed up and brought along a couple of awesome banners, really massive drums and some vegan cake. There was only one cop around for most of the demo. Despite the cop and a couple of over zealous screws unsuccessfully trying to lock some of us into the parking lot, there were no arrests and we were heard by some prisoners inside. There was even a mention of the demo on prison radio! Thanks a lot to everyone who came down and made noise, seeya next time.

About londonabc

London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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