Warning! Warning! Friends, citizens, fellow human beings! Rouse yourselves!

The Impactors are coming and they want to steal from us everything we have, everything we are and everything we could one day become.

This is no time to cower indoors, shocked and awed into spellbound submission by their satanic Spectacle.

While the emergency sirens wail and the tear gas of panic chokes and blinds the citizenry, the dark cohorts are fast advancing deep into our lives.

Come down into the streets! Help build our barricades and be prepared to offer up everything in defence of our freedom!

The Impactors are coming but they are not coming as they did once before, clad in boots of brutality and bearing banners of hate.

This time they are sneaking up in disguise, wrapped in the multi-coloured plastic packaging of pseudo-niceness.

They assure us that they are here to do good, to help the needy, to build back better, to save the planet.

But it is all just lies, lies, lies!

This “niceness” is their Trojan Horse, their secret weapon of mass manipulation, with which they hope to reach inside your heart in order to rip it out.

Make no mistake: they have been planning this for years. They have used their ill-gotten gold to buy the souls of thousands, to ensure that their loyal placemen occupy every post of significance in every relevant organisation and institution.

Watch how all these impactuary minions crawl muzzled on their knees and prostrate themselves before the false gods of sustainable servitude!

Listen how they all repeat the same unholy mantras of submission, obedience and silence!

And the Impactors’ army of eager little robot-impactivists, hired to quench the flames of authentic revolt, scurry around to reinforce their masters’ message and blast vitriol on those who refuse to bow to Power.

“Impactivate! Impactivate!” they scream mechanically. “Wrongthink is the enemy of progress! All enemies of progress will be impactivated!”

Let us be clear about this! The Impactors are not here to “save the world” or to “do good”.

Inversion of truth is an integral part of their demonic essence and their plan. Their real aims are the exact opposite of what their weaponised narrative pretends.

The Evil Impactorship wants to own and control us, our bodies and every moment of our lives. It wants to own and control every square inch of our world.

And through this ownership and control it aims to exploit, to suck dry, to feed itself fatter and fatter on the flesh of humankind and our Mother Earth until there is nothing left.

But wait! Perhaps I am going too fast? I forget that some of you don’t know what this is all about, haven’t been paying attention to the important voices warning of us of what is happening.

Have you heard about the plan to save the rule of the elite by finding new raw materials, new “products”, from which it can keep increasing its vast wealth and maintain its cancerous and disastrous growth?

Do you understand that, as capital seeks “sustainablity” by expanding into the virtual world, it wants to turn us all into investable commodities?

You will be aware that for decades now, all across the world, “austerity” has meant that public bodies have been starved of money with which, under the current system, they are supposed to provide services to the public, while giant corporations have found clever ways of not contributing to that social pot.

States have therefore been forced to borrow more and more money – from the very financial networks which have created austerity – and to go begging for cash from this same “private sector” in other ways.

But there is a cost to pay, of course! When the mendacious Money Men claim they are helping the state and therefore the people, in truth they are merely helping themselves, via the state, at the expense of the people!

Students of history will recall that this “partnership” between the public and the private, this merger of state and big business, was the economic basis of fascism.

Have you read about Klaus Schwab, about Michael Bloomberg, about Ronald McCohen, the Clown Prince of fast-food neo-feudalism, and his plan for pay-for-success slavery?

A big friend of war criminal Tony Blair, Cohen has been busy building up a new structure through which Big Money can suck away the lifeblood of society. This is “impact capitalism”, the new venture capital for the 2020s.

The idea is that because states can no longer afford to look after people in the way they promise, private businesses can step in to provide money up front to “solve” certain specific problems.

This injection of cash is not a gift, of course, even if the narcissists involved like to label themselves “philanthropists”. It is an investment.

When the “solution” is achieved, they will recoup their cash, plus their own slice of the money that they have “saved” the state through their intervention.

Maybe this, in itself, does not shock you. But there are a number of complications, three of which I will now explain.

Complication Number One is that the “success” for which the Impactors are rewarded has to be “measurable”.

Calculation lies at the core of their scheme: the reduction of all life to a series of statistics on a financial dashboard.

These vampires might calculate the profit potential of an unborn baby girl. How much will this child cost the state? What is her social status, racial origin, state of health, likely career path?

Once the number-crunching algorithms  have come up with an answer, the Impactors can set out to reduce this cost to the state, which will allow them to claim a return from their investment.

But how can they track all this? How can anyone know how the child is advancing, what kind of social relationships she is enjoying, what she is eating and how her body is doing?

Total surveillance is required and total surveillance means the internet, powered by 5G or 6G. If the infant is constantly plugged into the matrix, interacting with artificial intelligence, diligently entering data about herself into the machine, then the Impactors have the evidence they need of how she is advancing. Or not.

If she is out playing with her friends in the park, or sitting dreamily in her bedroom surrounded by dolls and picture books, she is off-grid and providing no data. She is a waste of space and time. An unprofitable investment.

The Impactors want to push this further and further to get more and more profit. They want sensors in our bodies, in our minds even, to hoover up every conceivable piece of data about us.

They want to be able to create a digital twin of each and every one of us, a fake version of us reduced to the dead binary code which is the empty foundation of their life-hating cult of exploitation and accumulation.

And because they see us as their possessions, their slaves, they think they have the right to control us and cage us so that they can exploit us to the maximum.

They want to herd us into smart cities, strap us with wearable technology, monitor and control our every movement and interaction.

The Impactors’ twisted vision is of a world of geofencing and e-carceration, of facial recognition and predictive policing, of biometric data and sensor networks, of behavioural insights and eugenics, of nudging and shaping, of the internet of things and the internet of bodies.

These twisted elite psychopaths want us coded, counted and controlled, regarded as digital assets on a blockchain ledger, deprived of our natural health and dependent on constant updates from the Big Pharma machine.

They want us locked down permanently in a global police state, a digitalised new world order dressed up as some kind of progressive paradise.

We will be nothing but virtual livestock, forced by poverty and powerlessness to submit to their workforce pathways, their retraining and lifelong learning, racing to the bottom of the slavery-slope of a globally-outsourced remote-labour marketplace.

Complication Number Two is a useful spin-off from Complication Number One – useful, that is, from the perspective of the Evil Impire itself!

Impactor “success” is only measured by data on a dashboard. It does not necessarily have anything to do with real life, but is merely a pseudo-success resulting from the narrow criteria which have been set up to measure “outcome”.

The “solutions” that fake green businesses have long been trying to sell us for climate change are no solutions at all. They are products disguised as solutions.

The business sharks peddling these “solutions” simply don’t care that they will only make things worse by unleashing a new spiral of industrialism, extraction, expansion and thus destruction.

They don’t care because they can see no further than their immediate pecuniary self-interest. They don’t care because they have none of the higher values that make us truly human, only a low and narrow craving for more and more wealth and power.

The same is true of the “solutions” proposed on the social level by the Impact-vultures. A green tick on a screen is not a problem solved. A few digital hurdles apparently overcome does not mean that the person-product’s life has been improved in any meaningful way.

The underlying problems not only remain, but deepen in severity. Elites getting richer off the impact scam will mean everyone else getting poorer. Wellbeing and mental health are not going to be improved by forcing people into a digital panopticon.

Impact “social philanthropy” is a business based on a new economic model. A deceptive business that does not really want to eliminate poverty and misery but to mine them endlessly.

It has a vested interest in the continuation of a wide range of problems for which it can sell its “solutions”, which in reality are just sleights of hand, deceptive devices designed to make money from a lucrative global market of managed poverty and surveillance.

Broken people and broken lives spell endless profits for the impact parasites.

Complication Number Three is that the money made from these deals by the Impactors is only the tip of the iceberg.

As Alison McDowell has long been at pains to tell us, we are looking here at “fascism rolled out by hedge funds”.

The vampires’ really big money will come from speculating on the financial products they have created from our lives.

As dispossessed people become increasingly dependent on the state, the Impactors will take advantage of this to pitch each of us as a debt product, creating securitised markets in privatised welfare.

These massive new equity markets for hedge funds will see your personal circumstances packaged and traded as liquid assets like bundles of mortgages, with some financial vultures gambling on you achieving your outcomes and others against.

These markets have to be real-time so that the global investors can bet on them and that means your life has to be led online. If you are offline you are not providing data for their gambling game and they cannot make money from you.

Stay at home! Stay online! Save capitalism!

In order to make money from this new speculative game, in which you and I, our children and our grandchildren, are the counters, the Impactors have first got to set it up.

The rules of the game have been set out by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, whose apparent worthiness is just another layer of deceit in the Impactors’ phoney world.

Certain goals are officially labelled “good”, meaning that public authorities are encouraged and even obliged to pour funds into achieving them and that the impact businesses profiting from this are treated as having a special holier-than-thou status that might, for instance, liberate them from the inconvenient need to pay tax.

And, again, it is here that the impactivist brigade step in to prop up the lies and confirm that “good” as defined by the Impactors really is “good” as seen from all perspectives, even from the left flank of the system.

Oh yes! They like to paint themselves as latter-day saints, as enlightened do-gooders, all those con-artists, crooks and charlatans conspiring to mislead and enslave us!

And how will the Impactors create the infrastructure of the game from which they will profit? By forcing their prisoners to build their own prison! Education of the traditional kind is so out-of-date. Training is what the young need now, in the shiny New Normal. Training to code the impacterialist machine.

Play our game. It’s just a game. Lose yourself, your reality and your future in our game.

When we have successfully helped create the structure of their Fourth Industrial Revolution transhumanist hell, we will be replaced by robots and algorithms.

And this marvellous world will be poisoned and pillaged to the point of no return.

Unless, of course…

Unless, together, we see through the Impactors’ lies!

Unless, together, we refuse to comply and conform!

Unless, together, we tell them we will neither build nor play their game!

Unless, together, we are willing to fight to the death for the sake of life!

[This article was inspired by, and almost entirely sourced from, the groundbreaking research and analysis of Alison McDowell]


Wrench in the Gears
Alison McDowell on Twitter
Tikkun Olam: Social Finance In Israel – with Alison McDowell
Wrong Kind of Green
Resist the Fourth Industrial Repression!
Klaus Schwab and his Great Fascist Reset
We don’t want their Great Fascist Reset!
Great Reset page of links

About Paul Cudenec 212 Articles
Paul Cudenec is the author of 'The Anarchist Revelation'; 'Antibodies, Anarchangels & Other Essays'; 'The Stifled Soul of Humankind'; 'Forms of Freedom'; 'The Fakir of Florence'; 'Nature, Essence & Anarchy'; 'The Green One', 'No Such Place as Asha' , 'Enemies of the Modern World' and 'The Withway'. His work has been described as "mind-expanding and well-written" by Permaculture magazine.

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