Thought Of The Day: The Rise Of The Machines

Unfortunately for most of us we all live in a capitalist world, and there is no ‘opt out’ from that. Because of this we require money to survive and most of us (with the exception of the idle rich), in one way or another, perform some sort of work to get that money. Automation, in the here and now, is an increasing threat to that income. It has in many cases, and could potentially in even more future cases, rob us of that work and the means to survive in this capitalist dictatorship world. No jobs, no money, no way to survive, the formula is simple. The threat of capitalist automation is especially stark for those of us who only have our hands (in some cases metaphorically speaking, as some workers do not have hands), our labour power. In a post-capitalist, socialist world, where our means of survival are secured, automation would be a desirable tool for us to regain and salvage more of our time on this Earth. More time to ourselves, more time to enjoy our lives. However…

Mark Carney, head of the Bank of England, 2 days ago claimed that automation in this present day capitalist world, could lead to a rise in Marxism. This is because it would have the effect of creating mass unemployment and wage stagnation. He is a smart man, and he is right. As a class we are not stupid, despite what the Left, Right and all other shite claim. We know that when the shit hits the fan something needs to be done. Like in yesterday’s Thought Of The Day, how hard it will be to get people to do something about it is another question. However, when people are backed into a corner, we come out fighting. It should not have to come to that in order to get us to fight back, we had a chance to prevent it. Regrettably though, it has come to that.

With all of this is in mind, and a somewhat optimistic outlook, I say BRING IT ON!