a note from SQUASH:
squatters networks in the UK are gonna be under increasing pressure
and in need of increased organisation and cross-country communication – as we’re pushed into an ever tighter corner
squash would like to support the 2012 Squatters Convergence happening in Brighton (17-20 May) by offering squatters from other cities some dough towards coach//train tickets to the convergence – if the cost of travel or the time for hitching would prevent you from getting there
we have limited funds but could cover early booked travel for a couple of people from different cities//squatter networks across the country – unfortunatley we can’t pay for continental squatters trips – soz
if you would like squash to book tickets for reps from your ends please email – info@squashcampaign.org.uk – and we’ll see what we can do – can’t promise – but we know how important it is for this convergence to be well attended if we’re gonna get through the next chapter altegether whatever the weather
by having squatters from all corners converging to plot and scheme hopefully we can protect ourselves and resist extinction
when emailing – please detail what squat stuff you’re up to wherever you’re at and how you might spread the word on whatever comes out of the conference.
see you thurrr . . .
(_pass it on_)