Illegal evictions…

Happen all the time in Hove (and Brighton actually).

*First people to be arrested under the squatban were at London Road. This was illegal since they weren’t actually living there. The courtcase is ongoing. SOLIDARITY TO THE THREE ARRESTEES!

* Squat on Grand Parade illegally evicted by Sol Gilbert, “celebrity” kickboxer 08/08/12 – very biased and factually incorrect report here. Bully boy Sol claims that he and his friends simply opened the door, and the squatters fled. In reality, the thugs kicked the back door off its hinges and repeatedly threatened people with violence in order to empty the building. Photos forthcoming.

* Dark Side squat illegally evicted 03/04/12 – report here.

* This guitar was callously smashed by some violent thugs in uniform on 27/04/11, during highly dubious police raids in relation to the royal wedding.

From the pig’s mouth


Another rubbish article from the Argus


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