Squatters Convergence – In Brighton.

OH we do like to squat beside the seaside!

Squatters Convergence Brighton 2012
Thurs 17th – Sun 20th May

Following the success of  previous squatting convergences across Europe (Dijon ’07, Leeds, Berlin ’08 & Bristol ’09) the Squatters Network of Brighton (S.N.O.B) invites YOU for a weekend by the sea for the next squatter convergence!
With a bit of luck there should be some workshops (nominate yourself to run one!) and plenty of opportunities to get  rowdy with your fellow squatters.

Celebrate squatting, meet squatters from all over the UK and other countries, spread the word about what’s going on in your city, and mobilise for action against the squatting ban right on Mike Weatherly’s door step.

In true squatter style this event will be focused on D.I.Y. and autonomous ethos so bring ideas, friends and things to share.

For more information or if you want to get involved in organising, hosting workshops or other events at the convergence please contact convergencebrighton@riseup.net or phone 07583010898

Expect crowded floors and gak galore!





Oh oui, nous aimons squatter au bord de la mer !


DU 17 AU 20 MAI 2012

Après le succès des précédentes convergences en Europe (Dijon 20072008, Leeds 2008, Berlin 2008 & Bristol 2009 [puis Grenoble et Barcelone 2010]), le Réseau des Squatters de Brighton (Squatters Network Of Brighton, S.N.O.B.) vous invite pour un week-end à la mer à l’occasion de la prochaine convergence des squatters !
Avec un peu de chance, il devrait y avoir quelques ateliers (faites vous connaître pour en organiser !) et plein de possibilités de chahuter avec d’autres squatters.

Fêtons la pratique du squat, rencontrons des squatters du Royaume-Uni et d’autres pays, parlons de ce qui se passe dans chacune de nos villes, et mobilisons-nous contre les lois anti-squat !

Dans le plus pur style squatter, cet évènement célébrera le D.I.Y. et l’éthique autonome, alors amenez vos idées, ami-e-s et trucs à partager.

Pour plus d’informations, ou si vous voulez vous impliquer dans l’organisation, proposer un atelier ou tout autre évènement, contactez convergencebrighton [æt] riseup.net ou téléphonez au 07583010989.

Attendez-vous à voir du monde, et gak galore !






Oh ja, wir besezten gerne direkt am Meer!

Besezter_innen-Treffen Brighton 2012
Donnerstag, 17. – Sonntag, 20. Mai

Nach dem Erfolg der letzten Besetzer_innen-Treffen überall in Europa (Dijon ’07, Leeds, Berlin ’08, Bristol ’09) lädt das Squatters Network of Brighton (S.N.O.B.) EUCH zu einem Wochenende am Meer für das nächste Besetzer_innen-Treffen ein!
Mit ein bisschen Glück gibt es viele Workshops (meldet euch, wenn ihr einen halten wollt!) und viel “Amusement” mit anderen Besetzer_innen.

Feiert Besetzen, trefft Besetzer_innen aus Großbritannien und anderen Ländern, erzählt anderen, wie’s in eurer Stadt aussieht und werdet aktiv gegen das neue Anti-Besetzer_innen-Gesetz auf der Insel.

Ganz nach Besetzer_innen-Art wird das Ganze ziemlich D.I.Y. und autonom, also bringt Ideen, Freund_innen und und viele Dinge zum Teilen mit.

Wenn ihr bei der Orga helfen, Workshops oder andere Events veranstalten oder mehr Informationen wollt, schreibt uns eine mail an convergencebrighton@riseup.net oder kontaktiert uns unter +447583010898.

Erwartet überfüllte Räume und delikates Essen aus der Tonne!






Como se proveche okupar al lado del mar!

Convergencia de Okupas Brighton 2012
Jueves 17 – Domingo 20 mayo

Después del éxito de las otras convergencias de okupas alrededor de Europa (Dijon ’07, Leeds, Berlin ’08 y Bristol ’09) el Squatters Network of Brighton (Red de Okupas de Brighton – S.N.O.B.) os invita a VOSOTROS a un fin de semana al lado del mar para la próxima convergencia!
Con un poco de suerte deberíamos tener algunos talleres (apuntaros a organizar alguno!) y varias oportunidades para disfrutarse con otrxs okupas.

Celebra el movimiento okupa, encontraros con gente okupa de todo el Reino Unido y otros paises, hace correr la palabra sobre lo que pasa en vuestra ciudad, y mobilizaros para acción contra la prohibición de okupaciones.

En conformidad con la moda más okupa este acontecimiento será enfocado en bricolaje y el pensamiento autónomo, así que traer vuestras ideas, amigxs y cosas para compartir.

Para más información o si queréis involucraros en la organización, el liderar talleres u otros aspectos de la convergencia, contactarnos a convergencebrighton arroba riseup punto net o llamar a +44 7583 010 898






Com s’agrada okupar al costat del mar!

Convergència d’Okupes Brighton 2012
Dijous 17 – Diumenge 20 maig

Després del éxit de les altres convergències d’okupes arreu d’Europa (Dijon ’07, Leeds, Berlin ’08 i Bristol ’09) el Squatters Network of Brighton (Xarxa d’Okupes de Brighton – S.N.O.B.) us invita a vosaltres a un cap de setmana al costat del mar per a la próxima convergència!
Amb una mica de sort deveriem tindre alguns tallers (apuntar-us a organitzar-ne!) i varies oportunitats per a disfrutar-se amb altres okupes.

Celebra el moviment okupa, trobar-us amb gent okupa de tot al Regne Unit i altres paisos, fer correr la veu sobre ho que passa en vostra ciutat, i mobilitzar-us per a acció contra la prohibició d’okupacions.

En conformitat amb la moda més okupa aquest aconteciment será enfocat en bricollatge i el pensament autónom, així que portar vostres idees, amic/gues i coses per a compartir.

Per a més informació o si voleu involucrar-us en l’organització, el liderar tallers o altres aspectes de la convergència, contactar-ens a convergencebrighton arroba riseup punt net o trucar +44 7583 010 898





Å hvor vi liker å okkupere ved havet!

                                                                        Okkupanters Konferanse Brighton 2012

Torsdag 17.-søndag 20. Mai

I lys av suksessen til tidligere okkupantkonferanser i Europa (Dijon ’07, Leeds, Berlin ’08 & Bristol ’09) inviterer Squatters Network of Brighon (SNOB) DEG til en helg ved havet for den neste okkupantkonferansen!

Det vil bli flere workshops (nominer deg selv til å holde en) og plenty med muligheter til å bølle med dine medokkupanter.

Det er tid for å feire husokkupering, møte husokkupanter fra hele Storbritannia og andre land, spre budskapet om hva som skjer i din by og mobilisere for aksjon mot loven mot husokkupering i England.

I ekte husokkupantstil vil dette arrangementet fokusere på D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) og autonomi, så bring ideer, venner og ting å dele.

For mer informasjon eller hvis du vil involvere deg i organisering, arrangering av workshops eller andre arrangementer i konferansen kontakt convergencebrighton@riseup.net eller ring 00447583010898


Forvent fulle gulv og mengder med herlig dumpstermat!





Lekker swimmen!


Liefe Fam. Kraker,
Na het succes van vorige keer (Dijon ’ 07, Leeds, Berlijn ’ 08, Bristol ’ 09, Grenoble en Barcelona ’10) het Netwerk van Krakers van Brighton (aha!) nodigt jullie helemaal voor een weekend uit door het overzees voor de volgende krakerconvergentie…
Met een beetje van geluk zou er sommige workshops moeten zijn (aub ons contacten als je wil praten over iets) en overvloed van kansen met uw medekrakers gewelddadig te worden. Neerm je kans krakers van allen over het UK en andere landen ontmoeten, spreiden het woord over hoe dingen in uw stad gaat, en voor actie tegen het komende kraakverbod.
In ware krakerstijl zal deze gebeurtenis op D.H.Z. worden geconcentreerd en het autonome ethos brengt ideeën, zo vrienden en dingen aan aandeel.
Voor meer informatie of als u betrokken wilt worden bij organiserende, ontvangende of andere gebeurtenissen bij de convergentie gelieve workshops convergencebrighton@riseup.net of telefoon 00447583010898 contacteren. Verwacht galore overvolle vloeren en gak galore!
Met groet,





Squattingträff – i Brighton

Åh, så vi gillar att squatta vid kusten!

Squattingträff Brighton 2012


Efter tidigare uppskattade squattingträffar runtom i europa (Dijon ’07, Leeds, Berlin ’08 & Bristol ’09) bjuder nu Squatters Network of Brighton (S.N.O.B) in till en weekend vid havet. Tanken är att den ska innefatta ett antal workshops (du kanske vill hålla i en?) och massor av möjligheter att gå loss med dina squattingkamrater.

Hylla squatting, träffa squattare från hela europa, dela med dig av vad som händer i din stad, och mobilisera för aktion mot englands nya squattingförbud.

I sann squattaranda  kommer detta events fokus ligga på DIY och autonoma livsstilar, så ta med dig idéer, vänner och saker att dela med dig av.

För mer information, eller om du vill bli involverad, arra workshops eller andra aktiviteter vid träffen, kontakta  convergencebrighton@riseup.net eller ring 00447583010898

Räkna med knökfulla rum och godsaker i överflöd!



Oh, ci piacerbbe okkupare un posto al mare!


Squatters Convergence Brighton 2012

Giov. 17 – Dom. 20 Maggio

In seguito al successo delle precedenti edizioni della Squatters Convergence tenutesi in europa (Digione ’07, Leeds, Berlino ’08, Bristol ’09) lo Sqatters Network of Brigthon (S.N.O.B.) vi invita alla prossima Squatters Convergence per un weekend al mare!


Con un po’ di fortuna, dovremmo proporre alcuni laboratori (anche voi potete proporvi e tenerne uno, o piu’) ed un mare di opportunita’ per divertirci ed esagerare con tutti i compari squatters. Festeggiare insime le okkupazioni, incontrare squatters provenienti da tutta l’Inghilterra e da tutt’Europa, parlare di cio’ che succede nella vostra citta’ e mobilitarvi contro il bando al diritto di okkupare, nella citta’ di Mike Weatherly (il parlamentare che da anni sta cercando di criminalizzare le okkupazioni).

Nel vero stile squatters l’evento sara’ incentrato sull’autogestione e sull’etica dell’autonomia. Percio’ porta le tue idée, I tuoi amici e cio’ che vuoi dividere e condividere.

Per maggiori informazioni o se ti va di partecipare attivamente all’organizzazione di eventi o di laboratori contattaci su convergencebrighton@riseup.net o telefona allo 0044 7583010898.

Ci aspettiamo case piene di gente e di buon cibo !





Squatters march in Brighton!

In response to the ban on squatting being passed in the House of Lords on Tuesday, Squatters and their supporters took a meandering march through Brighton and Hove today.

At 2pm, around a hundred squatters and supporters gathered at Victoria Square Gardens (the site of the now evicted Occupy Brighton camp) in the centre of town. A soundsystem blasted out Gabba and the squatters started to march, with narry a copper in sight.

The first target was Brighton town hall, which was briefly picketed. Squatters marched on to the seafront, chanting “Whatever they say, Squatting will stay!” The march quickly picked up a large escort of coppers as it marched along the seafront towards Hove. Police were trying to force people out of the road they were blocking, on to the pavement. One particularly agressive uniformed thug hit a squatter in the chest with his re-enforced glove for the slightly dubious crime of walking too fast. For a while things were very tense, and it seemed like things were gonna kick off, but then the coppers backed off and allowed the march to continue, albeit in a mobile kettle.

After marching along the seafront for half an hour or so, the marchers surprised the cops by cutting through a residental street to blockade Western Road, Brighton’s main shopping thoroughfare, then turned back on themselves to march along Western Road towards Churchill Square mall and the centre of town. Around halfway down, the mobile kettle that had escorted the march since the seafront suddenly dissolved, the police decamping back into their vans, which promptly drove away, leaving the march totally free and starting the hilarious chant “We don’t need no cops, all we need are squats!”

Squatters marched past Churchill Square, down North Street (another main shooping street) and then along London road and down to the level without incident, deciding it was time for a party. However, it was not to be. Around 5 minutes after the squatters arrived, the mysterious vanishing police escort returned. 9 vans of riot police, a cctv van and a FIT team turned up to crash the party, provoking a brief confrontation before squatters decamped to the beach to continue the party.


We Won’t Be Criminalised!

So the House of Lords pushed through the law to criminalise squatting in residential buildings late last night.

Brighton squatter’s first response is a call out that we will be having a march to show our defiance of any law politicians try and impose on us. Meet 2pm on Saturday in Victoria Gardens.

We are also releasing this statement:

The criminalisation of squatting in residential buildings represents a persecution of the homeless and vulnerably housed population of Britain. It creates a costly mess that will burden the taxpayer while exacerbating the problems of homelessness, overcrowding and the housing crisis in general.

It will burden taxpayers with an additional bill in an already critical economic situation.

The politicians ignored the responses to the consultation concerning
squatting. 96% of respondents were in favour of no change to the legal rights of squatters. Is it any surprise nobody trusts politicians?

The Legal Aid Bill concerning squatters will bring about a new era of
empty properties falling into ruin while the number of rough sleepers
will rise.

Landlords who choose to leave 100,000s of properties vacant will be the only beneficiaries of this law.

Squatters without squatters’ rights will be forced onto the streets and become less able to help themselves, as a social policy this law will create havoc for services already facing severe cuts.

However, those who squat will continue to squat and will resist any attempt to make them homeless.

David Cameron may have made his worst policy decision yet. This Bill is not the end of squatting; it is the beginning of a struggle that MP’s will wish they had averted when they had the chance.

Squatting is NOT over, the struggle is only just beginning.

-No Compliance with the Legal Aid Bill,
-No Tolerance of stupid laws,
-Homes For All
-Justice for the Homeless.

What Ever They Say, Squatting Will Stay!

Window display

There is a window display on squatting at the Cowley Club, which is situated at 12 London Road, Brighton. You can see posters, zines and books about squatting all over the world, plus briefings from SQUASH about criminalisation, clippings from the Voice and the Bomber about squatting in Brighton in the 1970s and 1980s and of course some materials from SNoB as well.

Argus – Pressure mounting for licensed squats

The text below is from an OK article in the Argus –

In the mid-1970s a group of squatters were facing eviction from a Regency building opposite Brighton’s West Pier.

Rather than face the cost and legal wrangling of the courts, the landlord signed a contract to allow the Brighton Squatters Union to stay in a derelict property in Lansdowne Place, Hove, instead.

About 20 people lived in that “licensed squat” over the next five years, many working or going to university, until it was brought back into use.

It sounds like a fireside story for wide-eyed young activists.

But tolerated, or licensed squats, could be seriously considered as a solution to the housing problems gripping the city.

Dear Lord Bassam of Brighton

[If you want to contact a Lord about the antisquatting amendment to the Legal Aid Bill, go here]

Dear Lord Bassam,

I am writing to you as someone involved with both the Squatters Network of Brighton (SNOB) and Squatters’ Action for Secure Homes (SQUASH). Together we are campaigning against the government’s plans to criminalise squatting.

As you know, the Legal Aid, Sentencing, and Punishment of Offenders (LAPSO) Bill, which has reached the Committee Stage in the House of Lords, includes a late amendment (clause 130) which would make squatting in ‘residential’ buildings a criminal offence.

I believe that this law is unnecessary as existing criminal law is
fully adequate – it already protects residents and soon-to-be residents.

Furthermore, I am extremely concerned that it will exacerbate and
criminalise homelessness in a worsening housing crisis and will put
greater strain on the public purse in a time of severe cutbacks. The SQUASH briefing (here) covers this in more detail.

You are a former squatter yourself and were no doubt involved in CACTL, the Campaign Against the Criminal Trespass Law, back in the 1970s. I hope it is clear to you that just as it was a terrible idea to criminalise squatting then, it still is today.

When we asked you on Twitter how you felt about the bill, you said you would be making your feelings known. I hope you have! You may not be able to speak, being Chief Whip, but of course you can still voice your opinion. In response to the government’s consultation entitled ‘Options For Dealing with Squatting’, the Metropolitan Police, the Law Society and the Magistrates Association were amongst the 96% of respondents who do not want to see any action taken on squatting, along with homelessness charities and concerned members of the public.

Liberty, which also opposes bill, said:

“We are concerned that the proposed new offence will largely affect
empty or abandoned homes and will expose vulnerable homeless people to the criminal law. If passed, clause 130 could leave individuals with no choice but to sleep on the streets”.

I ask that you consider opposing Clause 130 for all the reasons
mentioned above. At second best, I would encourage you to support one of the alternative amendments, such as that proposed by homeless charity Crisis which would exclude properties left empty for more than 6 months from the scope of the law.

Update on a crazy week

Update from some Brighton squatters

Squatting in Brighton took an interesting turn last week – there was a whole seven days of mayhem, ranging from the authorities and their thugs coordinating eviction waves, to estate agents and their hired heavies acting as if the law doesn’t apply to them. There have been at least five evictions this week and plenty of other stuff too. At a time when homelessness figures are rising in Brighton and Hove, it seems like the Council just doesn’t want to recognise that some people want homes without languishing on the seven year long waiting list.

The Brookmead building on Albion Street

The photo shows Brookmead, a Council property evicted over a year ago and still empty.

Friday 20th January kicked off the attack on homelessness, with three Brighton squats being taken to court on the same day. Ditchling Cottage, a council-owned property, Ditchling Road, a privately-owned flat, and an old PDSA shop, all lost. Court resumed on Monday with another squat in court – this time for an interim possession order (which usually implies the building is about to be put to immediate use or is currently in use). The order was granted – despite the fact the building has been empty for months, has no carpet, light bulbs, or even pipes in certain rooms.

Another squat which got evicted the same week

Monday quickly got worse – a new squat got a knock on the door from an suited estate agent. When the occupiers refused to open to door, the other men took to kicking it open. Swearing and brandishing planks of wood, the thugs dragged everyone outside, then hurled their possessions out the window, including metal radiators. Police arrived after three phone calls, only to say that they didn’t think any crimes had taken place, then quickly made their escape, ignoring the video footage of the radiator being thrown from a first floor window at the squatters.

As the law stands, squatting is still legal – section six means that if a building is squatted, the squatters are the legal occupiers and therefore ‘any entry or attempt to enter into this property without our permission is a criminal offence as any one of us who is in physical possession is opposed to entry without our permission.’. The estate agent clearly broke the law, but the police paid no attention.

With the looming threat of evictions, another group of squatters went to go find some place new, only to be apprehended by the police – who stood on the other side of a large garden wall and threatened to release the dogs if they didn’t comply. The squatters were then arrested for vagrancy (under a law dating from 1824), which actually refers to rough sleeping and begging. They were then released without charge a whopping eighteen hours later.

Thursday didn’t go much better, when a newly squatted building with plans for social project had a visit from some angry hired goons – no estate agent in site. They acted in generally thuggish manner – smashing the window and threatening the occupiers. The police arrived, announcing that the thugs were known to them and had a long list of convictions. With more and more squatters turning up (we had about thirty people inside and another fifty outside!) the police decided to take our side for once, in accordance with the law. They then left, leaving the heavies to drink in a nearby pub – they threatened to come back and finish smashing stuff later, but of course it was all talk.

In amongst the chaos – two people knocked on a door on London Road, trying to find a squat, only to be crept up on by some more police, accused of criminal damage and cuffed – their only crime to apparently be recognised outside a squat. The two were stopped and searched but released after the realisation that they were, actually, just knocking on a door.

The Cottage looking sad, yesterday

Then on Friday, exactly a week after the court hearings, the bailiffs and police paid visits to the squats that were in court. First, Ditchling Cottage had a early morning wake-up call in the form of metal poles being driven through the windows by Council workers, whilst helmeted bailiffs and police stood by and watched. A woman standing next to one window was showered with broken glass. Police officers then promptly arrested … four squatters, rather than the people using violence without licence. Two were immediately released, the other two were held for fourteen hours up at Hollingbury copshop and charged with “assaulting the police” (pff!)

A smashed sink

Next, the bailiffs marched to the other Ditchling Road squat, where people left peacefully (not wanting to have poles thrust at them no doubt). The bailiffs smashed up all the sinks and toilets, then booted everyone out. We’re guessing that means no-one due to start renting it anytime soon. PDSA was also evicted. The residents took their belongings and left.

The PDSA squat

These events leave us pondering increased attacks on those seeking shelter in Brighton. Not only are evictions becoming more violent; evictions also seem to be coordinated, and squatters are branded criminals. Tactically coordinated evictions leave numerous groups of squatters simultaneously homeless, unable to rely on each other for help and support. Although squatting is still legal, it appears that both police and estate agents believe and act otherwise.

So all in all it was a pretty crazy week, but worry not, we can end this report with some good news…

All the squatters are now rehoused in new squats. And no dogs were harmed in the making of this article.

The struggle continues…

Twitter – snobaha

Argus in rubbish post shocker

Completely ignoring the press release we sent them yesterday, the Brighton Argus instead published a “sensational” piece called ‘Squatters use law to find empty homes’ in which it is alleged that because squatters are using FOI requests to search for empty properties the Council will not release a list.

This is not a good article on a number of levels:

1 Jason Kitcat, owner of a great name and also a Green councillor is quoted as saying: “They are trying to get a list of empty properties to use as a list to squat.” We spoke to him about that and he said to us:

“Unfortunately what I said to The Argus is not what they printed! I categorically said there was NO suggestion this list was about squatting, but that’s what some people on twitter were suggesting.”

2 Also misrepresented was someone from SNOB who spoke to the dashing Ben Parsons from the Argus and said he wasn’t sure where the FOI requests are available.

3 ANYONE can access FOI requests! Many people are interested in the scandal of empty properties, such as academics, housing rights campaigners, journalists and the people who have to live near blighted houses, to name just four examples. Most squatters we know go out and look around for empties. On a quick google we found the request in question, in amongst requests to many other councils by the same person.

4 There isn’t actually any evidence to support the claim in the title!

5 Doesn’t the journalist find it interesting that Brighton Council refused the request but Worthing and Lewes complied? Is that not the real story here?

Unfortunately, unlike Jason Kitcat who responded quickly, the Argus is currently ignoring our requets to either pull the article or give us a right to reply.