LOCALS WHO CARE about vulnerable children, and other bleeding heart liberals, have been left outraged by South Gloucestershire Council’s I.C.P.C. (Ignore Children and People Committee) decision to close nine local children’s centres. According to council spokessnake R. Soul: “The decision taken by the committee on July 25 was based on proposals that were formulated earlier this year and were subject to expensive public consultation from March to May. The programme included surveys, six public meetings, trade union and staff briefings, events with a wide range of stakeholders and a variety of information provided through consultation documents that were widely distributed, promoted through the local media and available on the council website, the results of which were promptly ignored.” During the extensive meeting, which lasted 10 minutes, councillors decided to cut the number of children’s homes in priority areas from 15 to six, and transfer out the other nine. Reports that the council are recommending excess children to Work Experience schemes in the saltmines cannot be confirmed at this time.