…THE EDGE FUND, that is! Fed up of having to choose between funding your revolutionary agit-prop at the printshop, or one more pint at the bar? Tired of sitting through the bullshit of yet another cheapskate trying to blag their way past the door at your benefit gig? Well, fear no longer! If your grassroots group is campaigning for social, economic or environmental justice and/or systemic change, or faces injustice itself, then you need The Edge! Grants of under £5,000 are available for U.K.-based groups now; simply e-mail a page describing who your group is, what you do, your group’s annual income and how you plan to combat the existing economic/political system(s) to: edgefund[at]riseup.net, or contact 07767 126915, before 1st December (The Edge Fund is not to be confused with the guitarist from U2, but if you ask nicely/mug him roughly, he may well be good for it, too).