ANYONE WHO’S EVER got on a bus or train in the southwest, even once, will have learned at least one important fact. First Great Western are rip-off merchants. With fares on a constant sky-rocket, no noticeable improvements to (often late, patchy and overcrowded) services, and directors’ pay also on a steady, yet undeserved upward slant, it’s no wonder most passengers view First Group as the gangsters and capitalist con-artists that they are. But all the overcharging of customers must translate into more money for the workers, right? Wrong. First have recently slapped their bus workers in Devon and Cornwall with a new pay ‘offer’ which removes pay during the time workers spend getting from bus to bus, sabotages sick pay and pension schemes and bans ‘visual checks’ in which drivers check the condition of their bus mid-shift. The workers and the R.M.T. union flat out rejected the offer, with 85% voting for strike action until a respectable offer is tabled.

Making the link between mistreatment of workers and shoddy services, R.M.T. head honcho Bob Crow said “Bus service workers in the southwest will be taking action as the companies attempt to ramp up profits at the expense of the staff as well as the travelling public’. Too right Bob! And as the strikes get underway, it would be great to see words being turned into action, with staff and service users standing together against the racketeers before of First Great Western run our public transport all the way into the ground. Better yet would be if the strikers emulated their fellow drivers in Barcelona, who, during a recent strike, parked their buses across depot entrances, main roads and other choice locations, slashed the tyres and walked off with the keys!



THE TORY LEADER of Cornwall council has been booted out of office amidst another privatisation row. Councillors accused Alec Robertson of showing ‘disdain for democracy’ as he tried to push ahead with the sell-off of Cornish libraries, care homes, job centres and advice centres – despite his nutty proposals being shot down by his own council! Despite the widespread opposition to his plans, designed to shave 20% off the council budget, Robertson and a small clique of fellow Tories attempted to smuggle the plans through behind the council majority’s backs. After getting caught blue-handed in the middle of chatting up B.T., (eager themselves to operate Cornwall’s libraries and other services), Robertson was ousted in a raucous council session which saw one councillor removed by security! Independent councillor Graham Walker summed up the situation, saying “I no longer have confidence in a leader who chooses to put party politics and ideology before the clear decision… of the people of Cornwall”. Get used to it mate, that’s Tories for you.

While Cornwall’s rejection of the politics of public service sell-offs is a good news story, it’s worth reminding ourselves that privatisation has never worked in our favour. Wherever public services are flogged to the highest bidder, standards drop, prices soar and working conditions plummet. The Tory wetdream of private companies running all our services should be the rest of ours’ nightmare and needs to be resisted wherever it rears its head.


As he is after all the Duke of Cornwall and owns much of the land that we call home and is owed our patriotism and leal duty, it is only fitting that we offer up a regular column for the worldly wisdom of our future Sovereign King and Commander-in-Chief, H.R.H. Prince Charles. This month, Charlie pontificates on what the bloody hell those Cornish oldies are moaning about. Take it away, Your Highness!

GOOD, ERR.. EVENING..? ladies and gentlemen

Now, I have always liked to consider myself, first and foremost, a man of the people. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for all you rabble, going about your quaint little lives. Just like all the rugged, robust furry animals and our delightful woodland – many of which are mine, you know – yes, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for you. Many of you are mine, you know.

Yes, I’m essentially just like you. Oh yes, I have bodyguards and tedious hangers-on bowing and doffing their caps and I’m considerably more comfortable, hah, but I’m just like you. I enjoy the ballet and Eisteddfod, and I’m partial to the odd tipple, and shoot the shit on Friday nights(by shit, one of course means grouse, pheasant, deer, poachers – the list goes on), and I like to watch a good kick-about. Yes, watching my boys give a trespassing pleb a good kick-about always brings a smile to one’s face.

Anyway, this month I’d like to give a good dressing down to those bloody pensioners in Cornwall who have been moaning about all their care homes being privatised. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the elderly, particularly when they’re doing what they should – voting U.K.I.P., talking about spitfires and sending lovely letters to Mumsie – but this is bloody bolshevism! Listen, my own dear Mumsie has private home-care and let me assure you, it’s top bloody notch, and if it’s good enough for Mumsie it’s bloody well good enough for the proles! It’s not as if privatising the homes will plunge the elderly into a mismanaged, uncaring nightmare system run for profit, rather than compassion. No, quite the opposite, if Mumsie’s is any example. All this protest and hoo-har – well, yes, quaint, considerably, but it simply boggles the mind.

But anyway, that aside, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you, the Westcountry Mountaineer. I’ve always been partial to a bit of freebasing.

Now why won’t that stupid boy put some clothes on? If he can’t win the odd spot of billiards, then he’s no son of mine.


OVER 157,000 FAMILIES across Devon and Cornwall are set to see their council tax bills soar following government reforms to the way council tax benefit is allocated. Authorities throughout Devon and the rest of the west are planning to scrap 100% council tax discount for people living on or below the poverty line, including jobseekers, single parents, the seriously ill or disabled and their full-time carers. This will mean that some of the most vulnerable people throughout the region will see their bill rise by up to 30%. The government has claimed that forcing the sick and poor into even deeper poverty will help end a ‘something for nothing’ culture in the west. However, the reality is that thousands in the region rely on the council tax break to keep their heads above water – the real ‘something for nothing’ culture exists in Westminster and every corporate boardroom across the country, where huge tax breaks, expenses claims and bonuses make sure that those who already have too much continue to rake it in and screw the rest.

The changes will even affect low-income workers who only receive a fractional reduction. In Plymouth, the council is proposing that even the poorest can only receive a maximum 70% council tax allowance, meaning many households will be footing up to an additional £400. Meanwhile, Torbay Council is proposing charging everyone at least 25%. Cornwall Council’s proposals will be made public at its next Cabinet meeting. East Devon, Exeter, North Devon, South Hams and Torridge district councils are suggesting a 30% charge, and Mid Devon, Teignbridge and West Devon districts 25%. Meanwhile, local bastard/Conservative council leader Philip Sanders, said “The shortage in funding means that we will have to make some difficult decisions about who gets financial help and how much they get.” But don’t worry – many areas of the west, such as Plymouth, are Labour-controlled – they won’t let this pass – right? Wrong. Labour Councillor Mark Lowry grumbles a bit, but rather than defying Westminster and standing up for his constituents, Lowry meekly concedes to something he knows is wrong, but will go along with anyway to avoid kicking up a fuss. Labour high-ranker and eternal disappointment to his dad Hilary Benn rounds out the attitude of Labour party leaders when he says: “Local authorities face a terrible dilemma. Do they increase council taxes on the working poor, or the disabled, or families with young children?” The answer apparently is a resounding “Yes!” With friends like these, who needs Tories?