THIS AUTUMN THE Tories plan to cull at least 70% of the badger population in two areas: one west of Taunton, and the other west of Gloucester. Despite overwhelming evidence that overcrowded farms, not badgers (or other carrier species like deer or foxes, for that matter), are to blame for the spread of Bovine T.B., Cameron – famed for his love of blasting, chasing or otherwise maiming any number of furry countryside animals – is determined to push ahead with the slaughter. The cull is being carried out by teams of marksmen waiting at bait points with high-powered rifles and shotguns. The exact location of the zones and the organisers was supposed to be kept secret, but the Coalition of Badger Action Groups (C.B.A.G.) published maps within 10 days’ of the appeal’s failure; copies of those maps can be found on their website: http://www.badger-killers.co.uk.

C.B.A.G. then began research on the cull’s organisers. The lucky winners are: Rupert Michael Dod, of Withiel Farm, Withiel Florey, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 7DE (tel: 01398 371 205; mobile: 07882 458 354; e-mail: exmoorangus@aol.com); in Gloucester, we have Jan Rowe (of Whalley Farm, Whittington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 4HA; tel: 01242 820213, mobile: 07786 437235; e-mail: rowefarms@farmline.com) and Carl Gray (Grange Farm, Main Road, Bredon, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 7EL; tel: 01684 772366; mobile: 07771 985908; carl@grangefarmbredon.co.uk).

If you have any questions about the cull, please be sure to ask them politely! C.B.A.G. will be doing night patrols during the cull, with hi-viz jackets, bright torches and megaphones, to interfere with the pointless bloodshed peacefully and from a safe distance.

And on 29th September a free party sound system is rumoured to be running a full moon free party in the Gloucester zone, coinciding with the first big night of action. On the 13th of October the same will happen again, but this time during a new moon, in the Somerset zone. More details to follow.


AS ENERGY SUCKRETARY Ed Davey is planning a new Energy Bill this Autumn, Somersettites are getting a little hot under the collar. The basis for the new Bill is ‘Contracts for Difference’, a form of fancy new subsidies for ‘low-carbon’ companies (read: nuclear power), where suppliers are guaranteed long-term contracts with a pre-agreed, artificially inflated price. Taxes, taxes! Not only are we going to be shaken down with £60 billion of extra taxes and higher bills, but, as we’re talking nuclear power, our kids and our kids’ kids will be sitting on a shitty legacy of radioactive waste.

But, we’re not all gonna take this lying down: in Japan, following Fukushima, between 75,000 and 170,000 are on the streets every Friday night calling for an end to nuclear power. Over here, back in March, 1,000 or so blockaded the entrance to Hinkley Point power station in opposition to E.D.F. Energy’s diabolical plans. The Stop New Nuclear Alliance is holding a non-violent weekend protest camp in Somerset from 5th to 9th October, with a demo in Bridgwater on the 6th, and a mass trespass of the proposed Hinkley C site on the 8th. Premature E.D.F. aren’t even waiting to receive planning permission before they Eagerly Destroy Fields in preparation, so trespassers will be sowing the seeds of resistance by planting wildflowers and other native species. If your dream Monday day-out involves yawning for hours in a police cell, this is the one for you!

26 years after the Chernobyl disaster, just 20% of Belarussian children are born healthy. For the first time in over half a century, Japan is nuclear-free, but the people are still footing the bill: the Tepco corporation was re-nationalised due to the cost of compensation and stabilising the reactors, people are still living in contaminated areas, and people are encouraged to eat radioactive food to support Fukushima farmers: the triple meltdown is still in full swing. Spiralling costs for new reactors in France and Finland are also causing a chain reaction of financial judders around the world. Over here, several Chinese companies are now considering building new stations at Wylfa in Anglesey and Oldbury in Gloucestershire. At Hinkley C, the toxic sludge will need to be stored on site for over 100 years: the dangers associated with flooding, accidental leakage and terrorist attack (real terrorists, not just the ones handing out leaflets) are apparently totally unacceptable.

But ecos say that a future without unclear power is not just a dream: Germany has set out a nuclear-free roadmap that is safe and affordable enough to reach its commitment of 80% carbon reduction by 2050; if they can do it, why not us? The way forward is through energy reduction and greater investment to make renewable energy fit for the 21st century. Further details of the protest weekend can be found at: http://stopnewnuclear.org.uk.
