Fox chased and killed by the Atherstone Hunt
FOX CHASED AND KILLED BY THE ATHERSTONE HUNT14-11-15 Grendon Fields Farm Sabs saw the fox being chased closely by hounds, it stopped and looked to its left and then to its right and saw there was no escape. There were hounds either side of it, they caught it, dragged it to the floor and killed it. The rest of the pack were trying to get at it. Whipper-in Phil Durno got of his horse grabbed the dead body and handed it to the Huntsman of the Dove Valley Mink Hounds, Will Shaw who slung it over his horse and rode off with it. The hunt Started in Leicestershire and spent most of the day in Leicestershire crossing over into Warwickshire at the end of the day which is where the fox was killed. Over the past year we have consistently put out footage showing the Atherstone illegally hunting and chasing foxes. The police (specifically Leicestershire which is where most of the Atherstones hunting takes place) are aware of all the footage yet not only do they allow the Atherstone to continue hunting but they give the people who film this footage harassment notices at every opportunity with no evidence whatsoever. It is this lack of action that has allowed them to get away with hunting illegally and kill this fox today.( police have been informed and appear keen to investigate the incident. So we will wait to see what happens next……. will be posting another video up of today's full events over the next few days which will show the hounds marking to ground in a badger sett, the hunt chasing a hare and sexist, anti social behaviour again from Atherstone hunt members.
Posted by West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs on Saturday, November 14, 2015
Sickening ‘hunt’ footage shows fox being mauled by pack of 20 dogs – The Mirror
Police investigate after shocking footage emerges ‘showing a pack of hounds chasing and killing a fox’ – but hunt leaders claim they were just ‘exercising’ the dogs – Daily Mail
Police investigate as Atherstone Hunt hounds kill fox – The Hinckley Times
Police investigate fox hunt regarding the killing of a fox by pack of hounds – The Metro
‘Horrific’ footage shows fox killed during Warwickshire hunt – The Coventry Telegraph
14-11-15 Grendon Fields Farm
Over the past year West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs have consistently put out footage exposing the Atherstone Hunt illegally hunting, chasing foxes and assaulting people. On Saturday 14th November the Atherstone Hunt were filmed chasing and then killing a fox at Grendon Fields Farm. Saboteurs saw the fox being chased closely by hounds, it stopped and looked to its left and then to its right and saw there was no escape. There were hounds either side of it, they caught it, dragged it to the floor and killed it. The rest of the pack were trying to get at it. Whipper-in Phil Durno got of his horse grabbed the dead body and handed it to the Huntsman of the Dove Valley Mink Hounds, Will Shaw who slung it over his horse and rode off with it.
The hunt started in Leicestershire and spent most of the day in Leicestershire crossing over into Warwickshire at the end of the day which is where the fox was killed. The police (specifically Leicestershire which is where most of the Atherstones hunting takes place) are aware of all the footage yet not only do they allow the Atherstone to continue hunting but they give the people who film this footage harassment notices at every opportunity with no evidence whatsoever. It is this lack of action that has allowed them to get away with continuing to hunt illegally and it is the polices lack of action that has resulted in this fox being killed today. This is organised crime that is being filmed and exposed twice a week. Earlier in the week the same hunt were filmed chasing another fox and the Huntsman Stuart Barton blew his horn causing the hounds to cross a busy road.
A spokesman for West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs said:
“Sabs saw the fox being chased closely by hounds, it stopped and looked to its left and then to its right and saw there was no escape.
“There were hounds either side of it, they caught it, dragged it to the floor and killed it.
The rest of the pack were trying to get at it.
It’s shocking, distressing and absolutely horrific.
We have been submitting footage for weeks showing they’re hunting and nothing was being done – this was inevitable.
It has been reported to Warwickshire Police and they need to take action. This is not just a one off.
I have no doubt the hunt will say it is an accident, but it can’t be an accident if it’s happening every week.
They are blatantly hunting.”