Leicestershire Police invite Countryside Alliance’s Phillip Davies to police training day
August 2017 – Leicestershire Police invite Countryside Alliance’s Phillip Davies to police training day.
A member of the Countryside Alliance an organisation who have previously stated they would break the law regarding hunting and who are actively involved in trying to repeal the law on hunting are invited to a training day on how to enforce that very law.
Phillip Davies is the Countryside Alliance’s Police Liaison Officer. Formerly a Chief Inspector in 2001 at Dyffed Powys. His job involves trying to undermine the Hunting Act and frustrate the work of the Hunt Saboteurs. Davies tries to influence policing policy in relation to hunting by attending events such as the National Police Chief Council’s conference in Derby on 16th March 2016.
For a much more detailed article on Phillip Davies please click here https://morethanjustbadgers.net/blog/unmaksed-phillip-davies-of-the-countryside-alliance/
It seems shocking that Leicestershire Police would invite someone to their training day on hunting who is part of an organization that is so hostile to the legislation on hunting. It should come as no surprise that after this meeting Leicestershire Police stepped up their campaign of harassment against West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs. Resulting in one sab being charged with Section 4a and 5 of the Public Order Act after senior members of the Atherstone Hunt lied about her swearing and shouting at them. Leicestershire Police pushed this all the way to court where the hunt sab was found not guilty after video footage proved the Atherstone Hunt had been lying. If she had been found guilty the Atherstone Hunt could have applied for a restraining order against her.