Beyond Hierarchies: A Free University Dayschool

Protest and Power in the 21st Century Beyond Hierarchies is a Free University Day School examining alternatives to the hierarchical power structures that shape society today. The day will incorporate short talks with interactive theatre and workshop discussion.


The first session will examine contemporary power relationships and how politicians came to believe that the only way was free market capitalism: with workshop discussion on different areas e.g. industry, society, politics, environment.


In the second session we examine possible tactics and mechanisms of change with Harry Giles of Open Source Theatre  – click here for more info.

‘This is Not a Riot’ is a piece of interactive theatre about violence and protest, and was premièred in Hackney last year.


The third session looks ahead to the alternatives that we want to bring about. Does Public Ownership have to mean Nationalisation? Does Nationalisation have to mean Beaurocracy? Can Cooperatives and Collectives really work? Is Radical Decentralisation the antidote to Globalisation?

These questions and more will form the basis of workshop discussions followed by a final plenary.

Although the day school is free, numbers are limited, so to ensure your place, please book now by emailing

The free day school is located here:

The Old Mill,
23 Brown Street,
DD1 5EF Dundee,
United Kingdom
Link to facebook event – click here.
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