Film Showing – De Toda La Vida

The Aberdeen Anarchists will be hosting a screening of De Toda La Vida (All Our Lives) at 7 pm in Aberdeen University New Kings 14 on Thursday the 3rd of December.

In July 1936 an attempted coup d’etat by nationalist military forces threw Spain into bitter civil war. In the midst of this civil war the most ambitious social experiment the world has ever seen took place. The Spanish revolution saw workers seize control of their lives under the red and black banner of liberty. Despite the liberatory nature of the revolution sexism was still rife within Spanish culture, even the most revolutionary sections of it. To counter this the Anarcha-Feminist group the Muheres Libres(Free Women) was formed. This film , made in 1987, is a series of interviews with surviving members of the group. An important oral history of an inspiring group of anarchist women.

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