Aberdeen BNP’s New Billboard

The idiots from the BNP have failed to take the hint to fuck off out of Aberdeen. They have had another BNP billboard put up mere metres from the site of the last one. No prizes for guessing what happened.

Antifascists have already taken up the challenge and attacked it, leaving no doubt (if there ever was any?) about what Aberdeen thinks of hatred and fascist ideology.

Fascists are not welcome in Aberdeen!

Posted in BNP, Election, Fascist | 3 Comments

BNP Billboard in Aberdeen

Anti-fascists have attacked and defaced the BNP’s billboard on the Great Northern Road outside the Northern Hotel. The billboard has already been replaced once due to the actions of local residents appalled by the BNP’s message of minority intimidation and intolerance. The BNP have now put ‘security’ in place to protect the billboard against the actions of Aberdeen’s antifascists.

These security are nothing more than ‘old school’ party members who are not averse to the street violence that characterised the party in the 90s, from which today the party tries to distance itself .  Aberdeen Anarchists activists experienced this violence first hand, and can advise anybody who carries out direct action in this way to be wary of a metallic blue car (possibly a ford focus), sitting in front of the Northern Hotel.

One of the men who has been providing security for the billboard is Aberdeen BNP party organiser and part time street thug Barry Scott, pictured below.

Finally, we would like to salute anybody who fights fascism and racist intolerance in their community by any means necessary.

Posted in BNP, Election, Fascist | 4 Comments

Aberdeen Uni Occupation


A group of around 100 hundred students marched in protest against proposed cuts in University funding today, then approx. 30-40 of us occupied part of the management building. We plan to stay there until the Principal signs our demands, which consist of guarantees that the University will fight to stop cuts and measures which will have a negative effect on both University workers and students.

The occupation continued through the night.

Posted in Anti Cuts, Protest, Student | Leave a comment

Film Showing – De Toda La Vida

The Aberdeen Anarchists will be hosting a screening of De Toda La Vida (All Our Lives) at 7 pm in Aberdeen University New Kings 14 on Thursday the 3rd of December.

In July 1936 an attempted coup d’etat by nationalist military forces threw Spain into bitter civil war. In the midst of this civil war the most ambitious social experiment the world has ever seen took place. The Spanish revolution saw workers seize control of their lives under the red and black banner of liberty. Despite the liberatory nature of the revolution sexism was still rife within Spanish culture, even the most revolutionary sections of it. To counter this the Anarcha-Feminist group the Muheres Libres(Free Women) was formed. This film , made in 1987, is a series of interviews with surviving members of the group. An important oral history of an inspiring group of anarchist women.

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SDL March in Glasgow

The protests in Glasgow against the Scottish Defence League can broadly be called a success. Anti-fascists were certainly successful in preventing the group from assembling in any significant way on the street, and the number of people who came out to fight the fascists was extremely impressive. However, as was the case in Leeds where a comrade was handed over to the police by a steward, the actions of the self-appointed leaders of the anti-racist movement – Unite Against Fascism (UAF) – were disgraceful.

Anti-fascists met outside the St. Enoch Street subway station in significant numbers with the intention of going to Cambridge street, where the majority of the SDL were drinking in a bar behind a sizeable police line. We set off through the streets towards their hideout as a loose group, but soon the UAF banner was at the front of the march and Weyman Bennett was stopping for photo opportunities, and commandeering a megaphone to tell the group to slow down to accommodate the cops! Despite this, those who were interested in actually opposing the SDL on the streets walked on towards the bar.

Having got to Cambridge street, Bennett and his supporters once again took control of the megaphone and began telling protesters to head to the ‘Scotland United’ demonstration at Glasgow Green! This created a split in the group leaving only 50 behind to oppose the SDL where they were, with the majority following the UAF banner away from any confrontation and towards the official protest. This not only left those who stayed in danger, but also allowed the SDL briefly outside the bar.

The actions of the UAF group on Saturday were despicable, but not unexpected. Their history of state collusion against radical anti-fascists and collaboration with religious groups, political parties and the forces of the state is no secret. It is becoming increasingly clear that they cannot be trusted as a genuine anti-fascist group, and are not an effective means of combating fascism in Britain.

Posted in BNP, EDL, Fascist, Protest, SDL | Leave a comment

Aberdeen Anarchists

The Aberdeen Anarchists is a loose collection of people in Aberdeen who identify as anarchist, libertarian communists etc. We hold regular stalls in front of the St Nicholas Centre and our members are involved in many activities across Scotland.

We would like to hear from other anarchists in the city who are interested in getting involved with activism in the Granite City.

Posted in anarchism | 1 Comment