don’t spam us

Any one can request a blog at anyone. Ok, whether we will give it is another question. But it really is very rarely that we do not. Most often, if we do not grant a requested blog is because we have asked for just a bit more information about the future contents and there has been no answer.
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On tech, activism and BarnCamp

These are extracts from a list discussion between “tech” and “non-tech” people. I found them useful for a wider public, for even wider discussion, even for reference for the future. That is another way blogs can be used for.

Excuse the plagiarism.

“[…] The only way, in my honest opinion, for righteous techs to help activists be more tech savy is to […] seeing how the world looks from a non techy activist mindset.. and then to take the […] steps required to cater to the needs of people who do not feel or think the same way as techs do […],

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