aktivix email service and the web interfaces

There were two web interfaces you could use to check your aktivix emails: horde and roundcube. Due to circumstances beyond aktivix’s control, we can no longer support roundcube.

As for horde – webmail is really only a backup for those occasions when you are not sitting in front of your own computer. Of course if you do not own a computer you do need to use the web alternative, but if you have access to the same computer/s regularly, you are encouraged to have a copy of thunderbird for you especially if you want to easily use encryption and other nice bits, like .. read on. Continue reading

On tech, activism and BarnCamp

These are extracts from a list discussion between “tech” and “non-tech” people. I found them useful for a wider public, for even wider discussion, even for reference for the future. That is another way blogs can be used for.

Excuse the plagiarism.

“[…] The only way, in my honest opinion, for righteous techs to help activists be more tech savy is to […] seeing how the world looks from a non techy activist mindset.. and then to take the […] steps required to cater to the needs of people who do not feel or think the same way as techs do […],

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