aktivix email service and the web interfaces

There were two web interfaces you could use to check your aktivix emails: horde and roundcube. Due to circumstances beyond aktivix’s control, we can no longer support roundcube.

As for horde – webmail is really only a backup for those occasions when you are not sitting in front of your own computer. Of course if you do not own a computer you do need to use the web alternative, but if you have access to the same computer/s regularly, you are encouraged to have a copy of thunderbird for you especially if you want to easily use encryption and other nice bits, like .. read on. Continue reading

Corporate email services

This is a collection of links to pages that say why it is not a good idea to use certain email providers









ProtonMail Did It Again: Secretly Changed Transparency Report from ProtonMail

Protonmail’s case on real-time surveillance article is not available in 2020

There is a copy on the webarchive There are, however, reports and comments on the article now deleted:

https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/protonmail-voluntarily-offers-assistance-for-real-time-surveillance.417157/ screenshot for good measure?




If we would not accept to receive our bank statements on a postcard and we always seal our love letters, why do keep sending non-encrypted emails? Probably, because encrypting an email is not as simple as sealing an envelope. While it only takes a simple gesture to close an envelope, email encryption requires, namely: a pair of keys, a passphrase to activate them and a program to handle it all. One of the most popular ways to use encryption is probably with Thunderbird and its PGP plug-in. Once both are installed, it is all pretty intuitive.

But what do you do if you don’t even have a computer, and/or you have to use computers that are not yours, to connect to the internet? Continue reading