Monmouthshire on the run

A good day at the Monmouthshire Hunt yesterday with our friends from South Wales Hunt Saboteurs.

The day got off to an interesting start and the South Wales landy gained its first battle scars. A hunt pick-up tried to barge them off the road whilst on the way to the meet. Unfortunately for the erratic hunt driver he managed to do more damage to his own vehicle than he did the sabs, losing his rear lights on one side!

Soon after the hunt left the meet sabs were taking the hounds off a fox, helping in its escape. Hounds were speaking and went into cry a few more times throughout the day but never for long. Plans had definitely changed due to our pressence and the hunt seemed to spend more time running & trying to lose us than they did hunting. We stuck close to them for the day, always managing to find them when they did try to hide.

We were also treated to a running race with a rather pro-hunt officer from Gwent Police. He didn’t want to know anything about the fox that we had seen being hunted earlier in the day. When he hit us with the absurd accusation that we had poisoned hounds, we left him behind panting and flagging down a hunt follower for a lift!

We watching as the huntsman tried to gather his very split pack of hounds for a while, before leaving for the meet to box up. Tidy!

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