A return to the Cotswold Vale Farmers’ Hunt

Good day out with our pals from South Wales Hunt Saboteurs for another visit to The Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt who met at Apperley, Gloucestershire.

From the off, sabs in the field or our patrolling vehicles had the hunt firmly in their sights. Anytime the hunt knew they had sab company, they would take off in an attempt to lose us but failed each time.

The hunts first real attempt at hunting was stamped out by sabs who were positioned well to ‘rate’ the hounds and move the hunt on.

Last week the hunt packed up early (just after 2pm) and headed back to the meet at the same time today. Sadly they set off again but minutes later had us for company. Off on the run they went again but were soon picked up by our vehicles who relayed their position back to us.

We caught up with them again and as soon as we were spotted, the entire hunt changed direction in front of us and took off. They didn’t get far and at this point sabs took the hounds off the hunt using horn calls as they tried to put in a bit of undisturbed hunting.

The CVFH packed up soon after leaving us to head home. Good stuff.

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