On Saturday we teamed up with Southampton Sabs & Bath Hunt Saboteurs and acted on a tip off that told us the Severn Vale Beagles were going to be meeting in Littleton-Upon-Severn. Seeing as we hadn’t visited them in a while, we thought it would be rude not to drop by.
We found the elusive hare killers already in the field having left their meet just before we arrived. We leapt into action and soon had them in our sights.
Beagle hunts are fast and furious. They are made up by a handful of staff on foot and little support. They are hidden away from the public eye and if they are efficient, can kill multiple hares over the course of one outing.
Unfortunately for the SVB, they didn’t expect to have 20 sabs out with them today. They tried to run away, but we kept up with them and left them with no other option than to pack up after only being in the field for an hour.
There is no better feeling stopping a hunt in its tracks so quickly. We won’t leave it so long for our next visit to the SVB.