Author Archives: huntsab

Arrests at the South Herefordshire Hunt











Secret footage1 has been released which appears to show live fox cubs being delivered to the kennels of the South Herefordshire Hunt before being thrown to the pack of fox hounds. The lifeless body of a cub is then seen to be dumped into a wheelie bin, before another is taken to meet the same fate.

Independent group, the Hunt Investigation Team, supported by the League Against Cruel Sports, filmed the horrific scenes, and say the footage is damning evidence of the reality of fox hunting and is not an isolated incident. The footage has been released as part of a major ongoing League investigation into ‘cubbing’2, the secretive illegal practice of training young inexperienced hounds to hunt and kill fox cubs.

League intelligence reveals that fox cubs not killed during these hunts are sometimes captured and kept to be used as live training bait for the hounds, like in this horrifying case, or taken to artificial earths3 to provide a ready supply of foxes for the hounds to hunt in the coming season.

The footage taken at the South Herefordshire Hunt kennels follows an earlier League investigation, which led to the rescue of a fox being held by the Belvoir Hunt and the subsequent brutal alleged assault by Belvoir Hunt supporters on two of the charity’s undercover investigators in retaliation, leaving one with a broken neck.

League Against Cruel Sports CEO Eduardo Goncalves, said:

“This is the ugly and vicious truth behind the glossy image portrayed by hunts. What we believe this footage clearly shows is that cubs have been ripped away from their families, kept captive and then callously thrown alive to the hounds to rip apart. The horror and the suffering these cubs must have gone through is almost unbearable to think about.

“Hunts want us to believe that fox hunting is a sport but I can’t start to get my head round how this is sporting. What they are doing here is training the dogs to kill foxes, as simple as that and unfortunately this is not an isolated incident as this barbaric practice is happening across the country. The hounds won’t naturally kill foxes so they must be taught to do so and this footage exposes the gruesome training secrets of hunts in the UK.

“We know this happens every year during the ‘cubbing season’, when young foxes are surrounded by the hunt and the dogs sent in to kill them,  but to catch this despicable activity on camera at a hunt kennel is almost impossible.

“With this evidence in front of them, we hope those administering the law, and the people of the UK, accept once and for all that there is no justification for the cruelty that seeps through every aspect of fox hunting.”

Two people from Hereford and a further individual from Abergavenny have been arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty in connection with the incident shown in the the South Herefordshire Hunt kennels. All three individuals have been released on police bail.

Portia Landry from The Hunt Investigation Team said:

“The Hunt Investigation Team, acting on intelligence, placed sophisticated surveillance equipment around The South Herefordshire Hunt kennels. Once concluded, the evidence was given to West Mercia Police. Investigators also removed the bodies of two fox cubs from the site and handed these to the RSPCA to conduct post mortems.

“The Hunt Investigation Team does not consider this to be an isolated incident and are monitoring other hunts.”

The incident at the South Herefordshire Hunt kennels is not the only time hunts have been caught capturing foxes for their own ‘use’:

  • In May 2015 a League Against Cruel Sports investigation led to the discovery and rescue of 16 fox cubs in a barn, on land linked to the Middleton Foxhounds Hunt. The League believes these fox cubs were kidnapped as a ready supply of animals to be chased by the hunt (investigation footage here).
  • In December 2015 the League carried out an undercover investigation which resulted in the discovery and rescue of a fox the League believes was being held to be hunted by the Belvoir Hunt (Investigation footage here).
  • In March 2016 two League investigators were seriously assaulted and robbed of their camera while monitoring the Belvoir Hunt. The alleged assault is thought to have been in retaliation for one of the same investigators (Darryl Cunnington) discovery and subsequent release of a fox being kept in a shed on land hunted by the Belvoir Hunt (press release).
  • In addition, intelligence reports received by League Against Cruel Sports’ investigators implicated more than 20 hunts in capturing foxes to be hunted during 2014 and 2015.

Eduardo Goncalves added:

“Once again we see evidence which destroys the deliberate deception of hunting as a means of fox control. Fox hunts hunt foxes because they like hunting foxes, not for any other reason. As we have seen time and time again, they will capture foxes,  release them on hunt days just to make sure hunters get their gruesome chase, or as we believe this footage shows, throw them to the hounds as bait. There’s nothing sporting, nothing natural and nothing remotely honourable about this so-called tradition. It’s grimy, it’s cruel, it’s going to be offensive to most right-minded people, and we need the police and courts to punish all those involved.”

Help expose cases like this and keep hunt cruelty history by donating today


Notes to Editors


1 The footage is available to view here:

The footage shows:

–       The huntsman removing a fox cub from a cage in a trailer
–       A live cub is taken towards the kennels
–       The huntsman enters the kennel block with the cub
–       The hounds are heard baying
–       The huntsman can be heard vocally encouraging the hounds to kill
–       The huntsman dumps the lifeless fox cub in a bin
–       A second fox cub is taken into the kennel block

  1. ‘Cubbing’, cub hunting or as it is also known ‘Autumn hunting’ is the training of young foxhounds to follow the older hounds, obey the horn and calls of the huntsman, to familiarise themselves with the scent of the fox and to give them the taste of fox blood.
  2. Artificial earths are structures built and maintained by hunts to provide shelter and breeding places for foxes. Their sole purpose is to ensure a good supply of foxes ready for the hunting season which starts around November.
  3. Please contact the League’s Press Office on 01483 524250 (24hrs) or email for any image or comment requests
  4. League Against Cruel Sports is a registered charity in England and Wales (no.1095234) and Scotland (SC045533) that brings together people who care about animals. Like the majority of the public, we believe that cruelty to animals in the name of sport has no place in modern society. Find out more about our work at

Police investigate more Cheldon Buckhounds violence










Another violent day with The Cheldon Buckhounds who were out hunting deer having met at the Poltimore Arms in South Molton.

We were straight into action arriving just as the hunt had left their meet. Hearing hounds in cry we were soon catching up with the hunt who upon realising they had company, took off at a pace.

Whilst the huntsman gathered up the scattered hounds we gained some friends in the form of a masked up gang of thugs hell bent on stopping us do any sabbing. Some were drunk (and later driving – all filmed), others tried attacking our tyres, spraying us with chemicals and following us wherever we went. It’s worth pointing out that even though the thugs were wearing balaclavas, we knew instantly it was the same mob that attacked us only two weeks ago.

As we caught up with the hunt again, hounds were in full cry. As we approached, more masked up thugs arrived and soon they were attacking sabs. We did our best to get our sabs out despite being attacked. We were mugged of a video camera and followed out of the area. More thugs were arriving in balaclavas as we tried to leave.

Two sabs are currently in hospital. One suspected fractured skull and fractured eye socket and another is having X-rays for head and rib injuries.

Our video evidence speaks for itself. The police are now investigating.

Help Bristol Sabs get back on the road


Bristol Hunt Sabs were recently involved in a serious road incident which left our vehicle completely destroyed and our sabs lucky to be walking away.

Our vehicle has been the backbone of our group for many years, and is the sole reason we can make it out into the countryside week after week to oppose illegal hunting.

The support from the Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) has been second to none and they have been kind enough to give us a donation but for us to buy a vehicle secure and safe enough for our sabs to get back on the road, we are asking for help.

Anything you can give to our appeal will help us.

For all hunted wildlife.

Bristol Hunt Saboteurs.



rac beagles massive #fail











Joining up with the usual bunch from South Wales, Southampton & Bath, we set off to find today’s hunt of choice, the Royal Agricultural College Beagles. Their meet was at Morgan’s Tynings, between Tetbury & Cirencester, and they left with us in tow just after 11.

The last time we visited this hunt (a little over a year ago) we were treated to some loutish behaviour from drunk supporters and students of the Royal Agricultural University, which the hare hunt is attached to. They smashed the window of a sab land rover and threw a dead rabbit at us, which was subsequently picked up by the press, prompting the University to launch an investigation.

We saw signs that similar could happen again today, with a few clearly drunk supporters turning up and some who arrived driving at sabs in their vehicles early on, but nothing beyond that as we were determined to keep on the hunt despite these attempts at intimidation, oh and the poor weather!

We stuck close to the hunt and hounds on foot as they walked around and around country lanes for close to 3 hours, fine by us as they weren’t in the fields chasing and killing wildlife! They were followed until they were putting the beagles back in the hound van, leaving the area around 3pm. Job done!

curre and llangibby on the run

A visit to the Curre & Llangibby hunt has been overdue so on Saturday we met up with sabs from Bath, South Wales and Southampton to remind them we’re never far away.

Last time this hunt was sabbed, the huntsman was masked up and they even accused us of killing twenty of their hounds to cover up their blatant illegal hunting next to a main road.

Today was a different story, as soon as the hunt clapped eyes on three vehicles full of sabs, they took off deep into forestry commission land (of which they are not allowed on) to lose us. We did well to keep eyes on them and whenever we got close, they would bolt away from us.

At one point we were watching the huntsman off his horse, walking the hounds through a kale field whilst the terriermen were off their quads at the back of the field. As we got closer, they took off again. We soon found they were next to a badger sett so it was more than likely that a fox had just taken cover there.

Whilst our group patrolled the area after the hunt, South Wales sabs were at work confronting and packing up a lone shooter out to kill foxes. We will raise a glass to their sterling efforts tonight.

The Curre were packing up not long after and we were off home. We will be visiting this hunt again soon…










Please join us in giving a massive “LOL” to the Leadon Vale Basset Hounds, who didn’t manage to go out killing hares today as their van had conked out at their meet.

We rocked up with friends from South Wales Hunt Saboteurs and Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs to find hunt staff with their heads under the bonnet trying to get back on the road. Sadly for them, luck was on the side of the hares they would’ve been hunting, and the van failed to move an inch.

We waited, feet up in our vehicles, watching the tiny bit of support they had head home. Soon after, jump leads were out, and they were finally on the road… back to the kennels.

The elusive hare killers were found and will be found again. Be seeing you soon…


a long day with no kills for two hunts.









What a day! We visited The Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt this morning and upon finding them and clearly taking them by surprise we stuck to them and ended up walking them home. Visibility was poor and we hear they had a dismal time before we showed up to usher them back to box up.

Whilst we were with the CVFH we also had sabs watching the prestigious Berkeley Hunt who are clearly spooked by having sab attention. They have not hunted on a Saturday morning all season and we’ve been there to make sure of that. Today though we stayed in the area and trusting a hunch found them leaving the kennels late afternoon to go hunting.

The hunt were small in numbers (last year they had over 50 riders for cub hunting, this season around 10). They didn’t move very far and we had them in our sights the entire time. We thought we’d make our presence known by taking the hounds off the huntsman who had terrible control of the pack.

The dejected faces of the riders at the end of the day was enough for us. No kills. Happy sabs.

A Lush weekend & benefit gig

The staff at Lush BRISTOL are absolute diamonds. We were kindly invited into their store all weekend whilst they raised money for us. They even took the time to dress up as foxes for the weekend!

We got to speak to customers about sabbing whilst the staff fund-raised their hearts out. We spoke to to a good number of people interested in joining us in the countryside and it was heartwarming to have so many people come in and say hello such as the wonderful badger cull activists. Not one negative comment over the whole weekend. The public agree: hunting is bloody barbaric.

We also had a benefit gig for held for us on Saturday night which was packed to the rafters! Thanks to the venue/staff, the promoter, the bands (who were all excellent!) and of course everyone who came along! We sold out of merch and gave away a massive amount of leaflets and stickers.

We raised over £900 which will all go directly to helping us get out in the fields and save hunted wildlife! To say we are a happy bunch is an understatement. THANK YOU ALL!

the cvfh cracking under pressure


You have to feel a bit sorry for The Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt who had to pay for security from Yorkshire to deal with 11 foot sabs today.

From the off sabs were rating hounds and a fox was spotted escaping in front of our vehicles getting away to safety.

The idiots tried blocking us in a lane and attacking us (all filmed) but were soon made to disperse by 4 cop cars arriving.

Foot sabs stayed with the hunt in the field accompanied by the bumbling idiots and kept the hunt close in sight. The huntsman couldn’t handle having sab company and took off with the hounds every time we were spotted.. Despite the torrent of abuse we received, there wasn’t much hunting occurring on our watch. Great stuff.

With no local support lining the country lanes, the CVFH were a complete shambles from start to finish.

We had a lovely end of season pint with our friends from Ireland (oi, oi!) and Southampton then headed home.