Author Archives: ShiraHoloceneEraDest

About ShiraHoloceneEraDest

Shira Destinie Jones Landrac is a published poet and academic author, former Washington DC Tour Guide, founder of SHIR Tours Community Cooperation Tours, and freelance writer and educator. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations. She now lives in France, and continues to work for community cooperation and health for all. She is on LinkedIn and on LinkedIn: and Academia.Edu:

The Answer is 73! Community Marriage Cooperative Project: The Community Alternative to Dating

Even if you Fall in Love for Life , marriage takes work and committment. After talking with some friends, I think I should try again to explain my idea for a community Marriage Cooperative (fka the Arranged Marriage Cooperative), a … Continue reading

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“Delight, respect, and compassion” in the City of Sorrows: Christian-Jewish Deut.4:24 views via shared struggle, as portrayed using Minbari and ‘Earth’ religions, and analysed via your FaceBook Autobiography?

Well, I woke up this morning with my mind… pondering To Dream in the City of Sorrows. A good friend called me regarding the strange story of how Ziporah rescues either Moses or their son on the way to see … Continue reading

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Winning glory on today’s battlefield: The Modern Mind

Renault’s excellent book The Persian Boy shows the difficulty of learning, and of teaching. Both would probably be easier if our society understood what it takes to teach a person a useful and neccesary skill from start to finish. Hence … Continue reading

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Gatekeepers and Quipu (Khipu) Democracy

In Hidden in Plain View: A Secret Story of Quilts and the Underground Railroad, Tobin and Dobard point to what is essentially a Quipu made of fabric. The question is whether the gatekeepers of today will allow our modern quipus, … Continue reading

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Do gatekeepers enslave human potential?

In Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation 1838-1839 Frances Ann Kemble points to the reactions of slave owners and overseers in the capacity of gatekeepers, preventing the voices of slaves from being heard. More generally and in the … Continue reading

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La Cooperativa de Matrimonio

La Cooperativa de Matrimonio Para Todos La Cooperativa Matrimonia se trata de una cooperativa, es decir un grupo de gente igalitaria, que quieren ayudar en arreglarse matrimonios para los miembros sin pareja. Cada soltero debe consentir a dos cosas: 1.) … Continue reading

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Harry Quebert: friend, liar, or both?

Love and friendship are entwined with community. In Joel Dicker’s book , Harry makes one think about all three: Common committment to the idea of community: open communication, positive action, pro-active,consensus-oriented. That is the type of community I have hoped … Continue reading

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Universal Income or Land: Reminding Us What We Could Be

I am a true Democrat: following the example of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Chaos or Community , I take seriously the idea that all are equal in dignity, in rights to live up to their full potential, and in ability … Continue reading

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Is your butcher in harmony with your Planet?

Written in 1978, Christian Grenier’s YA SF novella ‘The Spark Displayer’ English and French: raises questions about not only where your food comes from, via a sentient planet as the setting of this still highly readable book, but also … Continue reading

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Why write your autobiography? Mar shows the adults…

Michel Grimaud shows us how one young person, too young to know that his task was impossible (a bit like Harry Potter and his friends, but written in 1978…), can do something worth writing about, as he becomes an adult. … Continue reading

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Courage of Convictions, Meaning, and Framing in Context of…

Community Cooperation. As Hillary Clinton pointed out, it does indeed take a village, a united sense of purpose, and conviction to give meaning to life, and to our way of life. We should learn to ask why, before we arrive … Continue reading

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Respect for Teachers == Respect for US All as a Society

02/27/2013 10:00:00 shirad Generating more respect for teachers requires cultural change People certainly should respect the difficult work that teachers do. This would probably be made easier if our children and adults understood what it takes to teach a person … Continue reading

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Share the Research Data, NOW…

Normally this blog is not meant to address current events, but the Ebola outbreak begs a compelling question: Why can’t the Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc share the basic data that led to the creation of ZMapp, with other research labs around … Continue reading

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Am I an Adult? (Part 1. Definition…)

Français I have six criteria for being an adult. Each prospective adult must be able to: 1. swim, 2. defend him or herself both emotionally and physically, 3. think critically and build logical arguments, 4. understand statistics, 5. drive manual … Continue reading

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Community currencies vs. Alternative currencies

Thanks to LJuserGoodall for asking about bitcoin, which I do not support. Bitcoin is an alternative to national currencies which is often used for money laundering and other nefarious purposes. It actually does precisely the opposite of what a community-based … Continue reading

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Pre-Adulthood, Adults, and Rites of Passage…

FRANçAIS Dear Friends, here is another idea for your perusal. A New Rite of Passage     We need a new rite of passage in which every teenager must voluntarily teach someone, from start to finish, a usable and important … Continue reading

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More Inclusive Calendars and Eras

Posted on Meow Date Thursday, 12 April of the year 12,014 H.E. At its inception, the United Nations proposed a more logical, easy to memorize and universal calendar which all the world could use. It was to be called The … Continue reading

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New book on Community Cooperation to Share

Español “At the turn of the century, both communities developed similar ways of evading White discrimination. Both communities built their own institutions, … ” which “… deepens the connection between them. Cooperation in other areas built ties that would eventually … Continue reading

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La Coopération pour la guerre à la guerre avec Le Corps Civil de Protection de l’Environnement

Pourquoi nous avons besoin, aux États-Unis, de reconstituer le Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC, Corps Civil de Protection de l’Environnement) ? Parce que nous avons besoin de défis.  Bien-sûr, notre société a beaucoup de défis.  La guerre semble être le plus … Continue reading

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La Cooperacion Puede Resolver los Problemas que Conducen a La Guerra

¿Porqué debemos, en los Estados Unidos Americanos,  recrear El Cuerpo Civil de Conservación (CCC)? Por que necesitamos los desafíos.   Claro que nuestra sociedad tiene muchos problemas, y con creces.  La guerra parece ser el último desafío.  Pero podemos evitar la … Continue reading

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CCC and Cooperation: solving the underying issues that lead to war is the MEOW

Why do we need, in the USA, to recreate the Civilian Conservation Corps?  Because, we need challenges.   Of course, our society does have challenges, in spades.  War seems to be the ultimate challenge.  Yet war is preventable if we … Continue reading

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