Letters of resistance

Dr Geoff Meadan, a former university lecturer and Green Party candidate for Canterbury wrote an article for Scientists for Global Responsibility looking into how secure our census data really will be given that Lockheed Martin have been contracted to help with the data collection and processing.

A committed pacifist, Geoff has since written a detailed letter to the Director of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) outlining why he is refusing to comply with the census. In this letter he addresses issues such as Lockheed Martin’s dealings in surveillance and intelligence gathering; allegations made against Lockheed Martin UK’s parent company of corruption, fraud, bribery, environmental damage and discrimination and further concerns over data security.

If you are thinking of writing to the ONS about your concerns regarding the census, whether or not you are boycotting it, Geoff’s letter may provide you with some useful information and issues to address.

You can download the full letter here.

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One Response to Letters of resistance

  1. peter mcdade says:

    I completely agree, this mob gives me nausea. I used to work in the European Patent Office in Rijswijk in 2004. When I seen how many documents were being processed by these companies during the time of the Abu Ghraib atrocity I just walked out of my job.
    There was no way I was having anything to do with this if I could help it. That was 7 yrs ago and I haven’t starved a winter yet. I am not going to comply with this census.

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