@LockheedMartin now you know we’re here…

We wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our days of action last week.

From a twitter storm, and a flood of emails telling Lockheed Martin the intimate details of our day, to local actions taking place and spreading the word from London to Keswick. We made sure a load more people know and are angry about Lockheed Martin’s involvement in the UK 2011 census.

And it didn’t go unnoticed, we made both the online and print edition of the Guardian, and we got a piece on their comment is free website.

Along with this we got loads of other coverage, which we will be slowly collating and putting on our media page, if you spot any more do let us know.

But for now we will leave you with a huge thanks, a few of our tweets from Friday and our new video call to action, spread it far and wide, census day is next Sunday!

@LockheedMartin A squirrel appeared on the balcony, ate what looked like a lump of soil, then buried half for later. #countmeout #2011census

@Lockheedmartin Having a cup of tea, earl grey, milk & one sugar (I prefer tea to having blood on my hands) #2011census #countmeout

Just helping my baby do a poo on the potty. Enough info? @lockheedmartin worst sponsor ever #2011census #Countmeout

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