Roger Franklin: every little helps the 84 year old refusenik

UPDATE 08/03: 240+ people have paid towards Roger’s fine so far in two weeks – amazing!

Image of a newspaper with headline "Mayor and protester stand firm over census"

March 1st: Roger Franklin is an 84 year old peace campaigner and census refuser from Stroud.

Last month, he was fined £460 by Bristol Magistrates Court, which he is refusing to pay for moral reasons. A solidarity payment campaign is running – all you have to do to take part is donate a tiny amount of the fine for him. Can you afford £2?

The deadline is Wednesday 7 March to collect the £2. As of 1 March, the campaign had raised the magnificent sum of £159.33 in tiny cheques (some as low as £0.99).

Write a cheque for £2 to HMCTS (HM Courts & Tribunals Service), and post ASAP to Monica Jones, ‘Wisma Mulia’, Bridge Rd, Frampton on Severn GL2 7HE for bulk mailing to the court. You can also send a statement of support which can be used for the media (another census-refusenik and Stroud resident, John Marjoram, goes for trial in May).

Thanks to Monica Jones and Bristol Indymedia for the information!

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