Category Archives: General

Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt, Buckshaw Farm, Holwell


Leaving the meet at 11.30am Mark “Lugz” Doggrell took the hounds in an easterly direction and searched the area from the meet and up to Barnes Cross. After some thorough searching for the trail and having no joy because, as usual there wasn’t one laid, the huntsman continued east to The Borough. A foot team went in by the church and soon bumped into the huntsman who was on foot and along with the hounds was squeezing through some wire fencing as they exited buildings opposite the church. There is a foot bridge over Caundle Bridge where there was time for the huntsman to play with himself …. a quick game of pooh sticks. When he commented he won he was quickly told yes he had and as he was playing alone he had a distinct advantage, which is unfair ….. oh wait just like the other “game” he was playing today !

Moving on from here, still on foot the huntsman took the hounds in a easterly direction towards Poll Bridge Farm and we were able to observe the hounds from the road. We were extremely happy to see Somerset Wildlife Crime out today and we give them a very huge nod, always a pleasure to work with you.

Heading towards Buckshaw Break, which has no direct access to it we put two foot teams in at Denham Farm but heading in different directions to get a good view of the hounds. Hounds started speaking on two occasions and both times a gizmo was used and the hounds stopped speaking.

Now this is where the hit report gets boring because to be quite honest not much happened, except for some ping pong round and round. Staying within an area in-between Denshay Farm and the meet itself Buckshaw Farm and the area south of Poll Bridge Farm the hounds were taken round and round and did not pick up on anything. A foot team went round to Lower Buckshaw Farm and the hounds were not brought past this point, but with a great vantage point the foot team kept a good visual on the hounds. The other foot team were in the Densham Farm area keeping them in their sights as they went round and round between us.

Eventually just before 2.30pm the huntsman, hounds and field exited at Densham Farm, totally trashing the footpath, where the other foot team were waiting and they went up to change horses at the top of Stakes Lane.

Having changed horses the huntsman took the hounds to Ferney Down Wood where they searched the wood before heading east via Caphays Drove. Exiting onto the road south of Pleck Cottages the hunt went down the road and turned left up Bere Lane. The hounds were cast along a hedgerow 40 metres from the road and foot sabs were observing from the road. A female hunt supporter who like to push sabs around clearly had something to hide and probably too much to drink as she started having a go at sabs and trying to block them from filming. Sadly for here there was 3 of us and all she succeeded in doing was making herself look rather silly as she rushed between us all ! The male she is with every week told her to calm down and she started shoving him around – a right little charmer !!

Undeterred by her feeble attempts to obscure our view we stood our ground and the Whipper In started slapping his saddle as the hounds started speaking. This fox swan across the river and made it to safety and after a short time the hounds were taken away and up to Caundle Marsh Wood. From here they crossed the road and headed back towards Caphays Drove.

The landy went round to Pin Bridge and the hounds picked up on the line of a fox and went off into Ferney Down Wood at speed. This fox took them west to Broke Wood and then North up to the church at Folke. A foot team was dropped in and the landy headed round to the church where Somerset Wildlife Crime were also positioned. Foot sabs quickly sprayed the area around the church and this fox was seen away to safety. There was a fox in this location that had a very close call with the hounds a few weeks ago.

The huntsman took the hounds to draw hedgerows around Glebe House and they were visible from the road, just to be sure a foot team went in at the church and were soon only a field away from the hounds. Visibility was becoming very poor due to drizzly rain and the light was fading, this was to be the last draw of the day and the hounds were packed up on Down Lane.

We encountered a rather excitable hunt supporter today who could not grasp that we were out doing this for nothing, apparently we get paid £60 each per day !! His words were “ there is no way your out doing this and not getting paid “ and later on “I’ll pay you to f@ck off” ! We encountered him again when we were at Densham Farm and he invited us out on Monday, he was rather antagonistic and we don’t wanna let him down, not entirely sure the others would agree with him challenging us to come out more though ??

If you want to join us and make a difference to what wildlife we have remaining please send us a PM or email to

If you can spare a few pounds to help with our recent repair bill we, and our wildlife will be most grateful.

Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt – Sigwell


MEET : New Barn Farm, Sigwell
Thursday 17th Jan 2018

The hunt left the meet just before 11.30am and headed south to wheat sheaf hill where the hounds were cast repeatedly by the huntsman. Mark “Lugz” Doggrell then brought the hounds out onto the road on the Western side and headed back up to church farm. The field were standing around on top of the hill looking rather bored whilst Lugz tried to pick up their elusive trail. By the time Lugz moved away from this area it was just after 12.30pm. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t find the trail …. you know the one that doesn’t exist. We did have a chat with a coupe who had come to walk their dog but on seeing the hunt were concerned for their dogs safety. Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell rode past and said “Good Morning” he was met with total silence !!

From here the hunt moved West along Ridge Lane. We followed the road up and round past Parrock Hill until we got a great vantage point near Sutton Farm. From here we could see the huntsman on foot searching a copse by Corton Wood Farm. At one point running with some cows to take the hounds along ajoining hedgerows. A foot team went in at Windsor farm and the Landy went round to Woodhouse Farm where huntsman had arrived and was still on foot. The huntsman “Lugz” continued east to an area north of Weathergrove Farm. Lugz spent a good half hour searching this area but once again the hounds just couldn’t pick up on the trail that the hunt claim they lay each morning.

Not being able to find the trail that doesn’t exist the hunt headed North on the Corton Ridge. The Landy made good speed round to Corton Hill and a foot team went in on the footpath leading to Seven Wells Down. The hounds were cast through a kale field – odd place to lay a trail, through a farmers crops ?? We do know that foxes will often sleep in kale fields and evidently so does the hunt !!

The foot team stayed with the hounds as they were cast through yet another kale field and then the hedgerows south of Down Farm. The huntsman continued East and took the hounds to search an triangular uncut arable field north of Landshire Lane. Once again unable to pick up the trail that doesn’t exist despite a thorough search!

Lugz and his son the rural genius exited this field by the Landy and headed over to Sleight Plantation. The hounds were taken in here and had another thorough search but yet again no trail was found – can you see the recurring theme ?? Deer and pheasants were flushed but gladly no foxes, despite the fact they are fed in this wood.

We drove round to Milbourne Wick and found the huntsman and whip on the driveway of the Old Pump House where a hound defecated in their bush ! Leaving here they headed up to the cross roads by Bradley Head Farm and naturally we followed them. There was a duck shoot going on at Bradley Head Farm and as we tried to drive past the shooters and beaters gathered in the road. One female stood in the way so we couldn’t drive forward and then a male joined her. This male would not move and was trying to break the front of the Landy, but he wasn’t strong enough. The male decided to then hit the Landy with his beating stick and the Sab in the passenger seat through the window. He continued to whack the Landy as we drove past – very shocking behaviour from a group of people in charge of guns and completely unprovoked.

Having broken free from the violent shooting party and their shot guns we followed the hounds up to Bomer’s Bridge where the hounds were searching a field beside the road. When we drove back in the direction of Bradley Head Farm the shoot were back at it shooting ducks right beside the road. We pulled over because they were shooting over the public highway and we were instantly verbally abused. Comments were made in reference to us all being on benefits…. if we were we’d be out every day but, luckily for you, we all have jobs !! The police were called and despite being told they were coming on a priority they never showed up. 
The hunt headed back to the nearby kernels and packed up about 4.30pm

The bearded psycho was out in a quad today despite being at the police station facing charges of theft and assault- is a testament to the morals of the BSV !

If you want to join us please send us a PM or email to

If you can spare a few quid please help us pay our latest landy bill – much appreciated!


Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Four Foot Farm, Hornblotton

HIT REPORT : Saturday 12th Jan 2019
BSV Hunt 
MEET : Four Foot Farm, Hornblotton

Today’s meet backs onto Park wood where it is known foxes frequent and unsurprisingly the hunt headed straight there. Mark “Lugz” Doggrell began casting the hounds through here desperately trying to pick up on that elusive trail of theirs, and before long the hounds went into cry. The hounds crossed the A30 and went into Fosse Wood beside the A30. This is a very dangerous and fast moving road and Sabs were once again left wondering why lay a trail would be laid in such a dangerous place.
We drove along the road leading to Hornblotton Green and it was absolute chaos, so many people out desperate to see a fox ripped apart !

The terrier thugs were parked down the track leading to Orchard Park Farm whilst the hounds were searching a copse by Mendip Farm. The hounds crossed the road as the headed East towards Home Covert with the terrier thugs in hot pursuit. The hounds went into cry in Home Covert so two teams went in on foot keeping them in a classic pincer movement. One team went in at the church, a fox was seen away to safety through the church grounds. The other foot team went in by the old Rectory – Ben Harris decided to follow the 2 female Sabs who went in at the old Rectory and film them at close proximity. As per usual the claims of “your not on a footpath” soon ensued – Ben really needs to consult an OS map !! Both foot Sab teams soon made the surrounding areas safer for the foxes.

From here the hunt moved north West possibly to Wake’s Covert. We soon caught back up with them as the huntsman took the hounds back in to Home Covert again via a track North of Brue Farm. The hound van, driven by the Whipper In’s wife was waiting in the church grounds for a change of horses. She thanked us for the live videos and other footage we put up saying that it was the only chance she now gets to see hunting. When asked if she would like to put a donation in our pot she quickly replied with a curt “F@ck off”

Continuing East towards Clanvilles Manor so a foot tram went in at Ansford Bridge. The Landy went round to Sutton and the hounds were brought along to higher farm where they crossed at middle house and headed north. A foot team got out at Easton Trow Bridge and headed south to meet them at the farm where they were drawing hedgerows. The Sabs were on a footpath but terrier thug John Penfold was obstructing the gate – which clearly had a footpath sign on it. A Sab asked him to excuse her and he said “f@ck off”, after asking 3 times and no reasonable reply one Sab attempted to climb over the gate. Once on the gate John Penfold opened the gate and began shaking the gate violently to try and shake her off. Once safely through the gate these two sabs were then cantered at by the field and yet again accused of not being on a footpath.

The huntsman gathered the hounds and headed North back towards Eastern Trow Bridge. From the bridge they headed north west along eastern Trow lane. Ben Harris and his friends ( all 2 of them that had been called in for support ) followed Sabs again but only got half way across the field until the Sabs heard them say “it’s too muddy” and they turned around. The hounds ping ponged from Pincushion to a couple of fields in the Kilkenny Lane direction several times before picking up on the line of a fox at Way Close Path. This fox took them back to Pincushion in full cry. Sabs believed a fox had been marked to ground in a tiny copse and the arrival of two terrier thugs fuelled that suspicion. They tried to get a better vantage point but as they tried to get through the gate the field closed all the horses in around the gate to prevent entry. Sabs squeezed past and could see terrier men at the edge of the copse with the huntsman. The field began getting aggressive blocking the view with horses and telling Sabs they were not on the footpath. Sabs went back through the gate to the other side and hearing the hounds still marked to ground and no clear view into the copse one Sab jumped the barbed wire into the copse and ran in direction of hounds. The hounds were seen trying to enter a very dense thicket (video to follow) Sab filmed and set about calling off the hounds who were digging desperately trying to gain entry to the thicket. Mark Doggrell, seeing the sab present and witnessing began also calling the hounds off. One of the terrier thugs entered the copse along with one of the field masters wearing a red coat and began shouting abuse at the Sab and pushing and shoving her. A member of the field was filming from where the sab went into the copse and told sabs that she funded us. We will make this very clear – You DO NOT fund us, we work, if we didn’t we would be out every day with you …. We cant afford to take 4 days off work to keep your organised crime in check !!

After this incident the hunt headed back to the meet and packed up ! It is becoming ever more apparent that the field are aware when the hounds are onto a fox which with the BSV is every time they go into cry. The BSV make no attempt to lay a trail nor even look like they are trail hunting – dorset police need to take notice of this, the BSV are breaking the law four times week and the police are doing nothing about it !!

As ever thank you for your support, it is in fact you who keeps us out in the field and we really appreciate you all. We are faced with another big Landy repair bill so if you can spare a few quid please do.

If you want to join us please send us a PM or email to

Blackmore and Sparkford Vale, Sturt Farm, Stalbridge

Hit report : Saturday 15th December 2018

BSV Hunt meeting at Sturt Farm, Stalbridge Weston

There are no words to adequately describe how much rain fell today but it’s safe to say that everyone was thoroughly soaked by the end of the day. The sabs were pretty wet despite their waterproofs but were cheered up by seeing how sodden the riders were, enough to make their red coats turn their jodhpurs pink anyway ! Leaving the meet just after 11.30am Mark “Lugz” Dogrell took the hounds to search an area beside Eastop Lane before heading north to Harpitts. Hounds were speaking so a foot team went in on a footpath that had a sign saying no riding, before they were half way down they were passed by the field of about 50 riders !!! By the time sabs got to the edge of the wood the hounds had moved away but the huntsman gathered the hounds and brought them back to the wood near an old badger sett. Little did he know sabs had disinfected this area and the hounds weren’t going to be picking up again anytime soon. “Lugz” gathered his hounds and headed towards Basel Bridge area.
We arrived on Caundle Lane to find the field gathered just off the road by a copse called Church Close. The terrier thugs out today, included the bearded psycho who assaulted a female Sab recently and stole our camcorder, he was one of three of them on 2 quads. At the last meet we were informed by Matthew the whipper in that the bearded psycho had been banned from the BSV hunt and as we hadn’t seen him for a few meets we believed this to be true. However, it’s clear that the BSV do, after all, condone violent men assaulting females and thieves – shame on you BSV for allowing thugs to join you !! 
The 2 quads were parked up at the bottom of the small field the hunt were waiting in and seeing as they looked more shifty than usual we kept our eye on them for a bit and filmed what they were doing. It soon became apparent they were up to no good so a foot team went in to check it out. As we approached they asked if we were getting nervous ?? 
One of the terrier boys was on the other side of the small stream that runs along the field boundary and was standing between 2 active badger holes. The hounds were all around him and it was clear that they had marked a fox to ground and were just about to have a dig out ! A sab pointed to the hole and said oh look Alice has just gone down there ….. the terrier thug replied who …. the sab explained she had just seen Alice in wonderland disappear down the badger hole with their trail ! 
The field were in full view of what was happening and would have all been complicit in the dig out had the sabs not arrived in time ! 
The Sabs were going no where so the rather disappointed terrier thugs had to get back on their quads taking the bearded psycho with them !! 
Knowing their dig out had been thwarted the whole hunt exited the field and headed to the T junction crossing over to the bridleway taking them in to the Park Wood area. 
The hunt moved along the south western edge of Park Wood searching an unnamed copse on the way before arriving at Furge Plantation. 
The Hunt were wanting to go through a gate on the other side of road but it was locked – if they laid a trail all the gates could be unlocked in readiness for their arrival …., just a suggestion !! Not being able to get through this gate the hounds were taken up the road to the disused quarry. 
Hunt support had gathered in the road here and Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell was there looking as charming as ever ! After a quick search of the quarry area the huntsman took the hounds south west to Toomer Farm. Toomer Farm is on the A30 and is an equestrian centre, organic farm, camp site and B&B and it was here that the hunt changed horses. 
They followed a bridle way down to copse house and crossed the road going down a track beside Frith wood and leading to Frith Farm. 
The Landy hot footed it round to Manor Farm and a foot team jumped out as the hounds went into cry. We believe they picked up in cockhill coppice and the hounds crossed the path of the sabs at great speed heading back towards Frith with no hunt staff or riders in sight. 
We are unsure as to the fate of this fox but we soon caught up with the hounds and hunt on the road beside Frith Farm Cottages. The huntsman took the hounds back into Park Wood. The hounds were observed in cry again but with limited access we are unsure as the fate of this fox, we believe it was the same fox chased from cockhill coppice and hope it made it to safety.

We would like to dedicate today to all our donators, we are humbled to see how quickly our GFM for the stolen camcorder hit target and for that we thank you and today was for you !!

Photos and video footage to follow tomorrow.

As ever if you have any info on the hunt please get in touch. If you want to join us please send us a PM or email to

Blackmore and Sparkford Vale, Fifehead Magdalen


MEET ; Middle Farm, Fifehead Magdalen

Leaving the meet just after 11.30am the hunt headed north along Fifehead Hill and went in to fields south of Townsend farm. This farm is owned by the Gould’s and he is the contractor for the North Dorest badger Cull zone. 
With a rather inadequate male driver refusing to pull in so we could pass each other a foot team hopped out the Landy and walked up the road to the footpath by the Manor. With a good vantage point the sabs monitored the hounds whilst Mark “juggz” Doggrell cast the hounds through a small copse and hedgerows. One of the hounds were filmed chasing a ram and the whip had to stop it. 
The hounds were gathered and taken South, foot sabs were soon back at the Landy and dropped in on a footpath west of Trill Bridge. At the top of this footpath there was a chicken pen with numerous dead crows hanging from the fence in various stages of decay. Foot sabs were soon met with the usual hunt supporters that were parked down this track and insisting it wasn’t a footpath. The footpath was actually 5 or 6 paces across the field where crops were growing and sabs pointed out that standing amongst crops 5 steps away didn’t make sense when we could stand on a track. Eventually they got bored and turned their attention back to the hunt in the hopes of seeing a fox ripped apart. 
With limited access a Sab went back to the Landy to be dropped further along the road. The foot team made their way south away from the support and down the footpath towards the school. As they got about halfway along this path, the hounds went into cry and a sab starting filming the hounds. The bearded psycho terrier man came down on his quad and wrongly accused sabs of not being on the footpath. He turned his attention to one female sab and became increasingly aggressive towards her. He got off his quad and put his hand up to block the view and then grabbed the camcorder twisting it with such force it broke the strap and injured her hand and wrist. At the same time he tied to grab her mobile phone she was using to map read, again with such force it snapped the metal clip on the lanyard it was attached to but she managed to keep hold of her phone. The sab tried to grab the camcorder back but the bearded psycho pushed her away, ran round the back of his quad, jumped on it and rode off. Shortly after Mark Doggrell rode past and the sab told him her camcorder has been stolen, he found this amusing and smirked before riding off. The whip came along next and was informed that the terrier boy had been very aggressive and had stolen our camcorder. He seemed to take the incident seriously and said he would have a word with him. However, due to the severity of the incident and with no camcorder we called the police and this foot team made their way back to the waiting Landy. 
Observing the hounds from the Landy on a road by Strangeways Farm a sab saw a fox break cover and head East. No more than 2 minutes later the hounds were on the line of this fox. We made quick speed to Cale Bridge and the police appeared whilst the hounds were in full cry. sabs told the whip the police were there and he pulled the hounds off, meanwhile having not seen the police, the huntsman urged them on. Eventually the hounds were stopped and turned back in the opposite direction. Fox saved ! Sabs spoke to the whip and he said he had stopped the hounds and when asked where today’s trail went he answered “where the fox went” !! Very soon the hounds went into cry again and we think that was on the heel line of the fox. 
This line took them back to an area North of Factory Farm. After a good search of this area the hunt headed back to Cale Bridge where the fox had stopped earlier. They headed south to West Mill Farm. It was here that a policeman was waiting in the area to question the bearded psycho terrier boy about the theft. As he drove past on his quad he was stopped and spoken to by the police. All we can say at the moment about this is that Dorset Police are taking this matter seriously and we will update you on this matter. The two other terrier thugs were there and one of them had a spade and terriers on board. The terrier boys didn’t really like us taking photos of the quads and asked if we had read the hunting Act !! 
The hunt crossing the road, whilst the police were questioning the bearded psycho was a sight to behold ! The terrier boys got twitchy when we starting taking photos of their quads, they said it wasn’t our property to take photos of !! We have asked the question many times and as we know they like to have a cheeky read of our hit reports we will ask again …. You say you need the spades to repair the fences … what do the terriers do, fetch the fence posts ??? It’s fair to say the bearded psycho sabbed his own hunt by attracting the police attention today. He has also brought the BSV Hunt into disrepute but to be frank we don’t believe they really care about that !! 
After heading to Priors Farm the huntsman kept the hounds in the wooded area whilst the whip waited on the road. The police were also parked on the road and we believe that is why the hunt remained hidden up in the wood for over half an hour. In fact it was only when the police car drove off that they started moving again and this time in the direction of Grays Farm. The Landy dropped foot sabs in at Gray’s Farm which had a footpath running through it. The hounds, horses and all the foot support were gathered in this farm buildings trying to decide where they could go that they could at least pretend they were on a trail now the police were present. Whilst the humans were pondering where to go the hounds were in the slurry pit and came past sabs covered in muck !! It’s safe to say the field master was very angry and spent some time arguing with sabs that they weren’t on a footpath – even pointing out the footpath sign didn’t convince him !! The farmer came out and said the slurry pit was in the way of the footpath and had been for 30 years – funny how we were getting grief for not being on a footpath that was not actually walkable – but as per usual double standards came into play !! 
Eventually the hounds and hunt headed North along Shipney Lane with the huntsman casting the hounds through hedgerows but all under the watchful eye of the Sabs and the police who had maintained a presence. 
The Hunt emerged onto Landshire Lane where the hound van was waiting and they packed up at 3.50pm. They all looked thoroughly defeated …. not only did they not kill today but their terrier thug, the bearded psycho, scored an own goal and sabbed them with a police presence.

Video footage to follow. 
If you are thinking about making a stand for our wildlife, now is as good a time as any – please send us a PM or email or and come and make a huge difference !


Portman Hunt, Manor Farm.

Today, with a landy fully laden with sabs we decided to go and see what Evil Shirley was up to and the long and short of it is …. still chasing foxes.
Leaving the meet around 11am Evil took the hounds to Pigeon House Farm and cast the hounds repeatedly in the various hedgerows and fields. The line of a fox was picked up and this eventually took the hounds in the direction of the sewage works, a foot team was in the area and were able to ensure the hounds left empty mouthed ! Evil gathered his hounds, crossed the road and went down Scotchey Lane and in the direction of Old Acres Farm. From here they headed south, eventually ending up at Hayes Coppice where sabs were waiting for them and had carried out some work to make the foxes in this area safer. Sabs had a quick chat with a farmer who was out checking on his cows, he said he did not want them running around. We often wonder just how many of the farmers realise just how much the hunt disturb their livestock …. we suspect most of them just don’t care and allowing the hunt to chase any foxes around their land takes precedence over their livestock’s welfare ??

Foot sabs were soon approached by one of the Portman riders who was rather upset that we were hanging around Hayes Coppice and was desperately trying to get us to move on. Little did he know that this area has already been made safe and there was little chance of the hounds picking up on the somewhat pungent smell of any unsuspecting foxes residing in this copse. Our eye in the sky team decided to have a check from above and make sure that all was well as foot sabs left the area. It is safe to say that the hunt were rather upset by being watched from above and after a few choice words Evil gathered the hounds and finally left this area. As foot sabs were making their way back to the Landy a lone hound was running down the road in the opposite direction from the hunt and we estimate had been alone for at least ten minutes. The hound headed across the field and towards Hayes Farm where we hope the riders that were boxing up would have made it safe …. well from the roads anyway !!

The hunt had earlier exited at Hayes Farm and headed south along the road towards Hayters Farm causing, as per usual, total and utter chaos on the road. We caught back up with them at Toogoods Farm and the hounds were searching hedgerows in the area. Next on their murdering spree agenda was Ashley Plantation, and the hunt support were eagerly gathered on Quarry Hill hoping for some bloody action. A foot team went in the the footpath on Quarry Hill and the terrier boys were waiting on the northern edge of Ashley Plantation where the footpath runs along. There were plenty of hunt support up on Great Down Lane which was just a field away eagerly waiting for a kill. The foot team continued past the terrier boys and waited at the boundary of the next field with a sab filming from standing on the stile allowing him a great view of the field and hounds around the top edge of Ashley Plantation. Suddenly a fox broke through the hedge, right beside the sabs, and fled for its life towards Great Down Lane and we caught this on camcorder and go pro. Foot sabs sprang into action and gave the area a good soaking before making their way up to Great North Road for a pick up – fox saved !

From Ashley Plantation the hunt headed towards Ashley Farm and picked up on a line of another fox north of the farm which made its escape through a field beside the driveway of Ashley Farm. Monitors were there and having seen the fox cross then witnessed the hounds picking up on this foxes scent and told Evil his hounds were on the line of a fox and he pulled them off. We arrived just in time to soak the area with citronella making this fox safe much to the utter dismay of hunt support – another fox saved !!

After a rather desperate attempt to pick up on a fox on their way back to the meet with riders and quads all over the show, sadly, for Evil and his supporters this wasn’t to be and they were seen safely back to the hound van !

Today we worked with various other monitors including Wildlife Witness, we all worked really well together making it a very successful day !