Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt, Buckshaw Farm, Holwell


Leaving the meet at 11.30am Mark “Lugz” Doggrell took the hounds in an easterly direction and searched the area from the meet and up to Barnes Cross. After some thorough searching for the trail and having no joy because, as usual there wasn’t one laid, the huntsman continued east to The Borough. A foot team went in by the church and soon bumped into the huntsman who was on foot and along with the hounds was squeezing through some wire fencing as they exited buildings opposite the church. There is a foot bridge over Caundle Bridge where there was time for the huntsman to play with himself …. a quick game of pooh sticks. When he commented he won he was quickly told yes he had and as he was playing alone he had a distinct advantage, which is unfair ….. oh wait just like the other “game” he was playing today !

Moving on from here, still on foot the huntsman took the hounds in a easterly direction towards Poll Bridge Farm and we were able to observe the hounds from the road. We were extremely happy to see Somerset Wildlife Crime out today and we give them a very huge nod, always a pleasure to work with you.

Heading towards Buckshaw Break, which has no direct access to it we put two foot teams in at Denham Farm but heading in different directions to get a good view of the hounds. Hounds started speaking on two occasions and both times a gizmo was used and the hounds stopped speaking.

Now this is where the hit report gets boring because to be quite honest not much happened, except for some ping pong round and round. Staying within an area in-between Denshay Farm and the meet itself Buckshaw Farm and the area south of Poll Bridge Farm the hounds were taken round and round and did not pick up on anything. A foot team went round to Lower Buckshaw Farm and the hounds were not brought past this point, but with a great vantage point the foot team kept a good visual on the hounds. The other foot team were in the Densham Farm area keeping them in their sights as they went round and round between us.

Eventually just before 2.30pm the huntsman, hounds and field exited at Densham Farm, totally trashing the footpath, where the other foot team were waiting and they went up to change horses at the top of Stakes Lane.

Having changed horses the huntsman took the hounds to Ferney Down Wood where they searched the wood before heading east via Caphays Drove. Exiting onto the road south of Pleck Cottages the hunt went down the road and turned left up Bere Lane. The hounds were cast along a hedgerow 40 metres from the road and foot sabs were observing from the road. A female hunt supporter who like to push sabs around clearly had something to hide and probably too much to drink as she started having a go at sabs and trying to block them from filming. Sadly for here there was 3 of us and all she succeeded in doing was making herself look rather silly as she rushed between us all ! The male she is with every week told her to calm down and she started shoving him around – a right little charmer !!

Undeterred by her feeble attempts to obscure our view we stood our ground and the Whipper In started slapping his saddle as the hounds started speaking. This fox swan across the river and made it to safety and after a short time the hounds were taken away and up to Caundle Marsh Wood. From here they crossed the road and headed back towards Caphays Drove.

The landy went round to Pin Bridge and the hounds picked up on the line of a fox and went off into Ferney Down Wood at speed. This fox took them west to Broke Wood and then North up to the church at Folke. A foot team was dropped in and the landy headed round to the church where Somerset Wildlife Crime were also positioned. Foot sabs quickly sprayed the area around the church and this fox was seen away to safety. There was a fox in this location that had a very close call with the hounds a few weeks ago.

The huntsman took the hounds to draw hedgerows around Glebe House and they were visible from the road, just to be sure a foot team went in at the church and were soon only a field away from the hounds. Visibility was becoming very poor due to drizzly rain and the light was fading, this was to be the last draw of the day and the hounds were packed up on Down Lane.

We encountered a rather excitable hunt supporter today who could not grasp that we were out doing this for nothing, apparently we get paid £60 each per day !! His words were “ there is no way your out doing this and not getting paid “ and later on “I’ll pay you to f@ck off” ! We encountered him again when we were at Densham Farm and he invited us out on Monday, he was rather antagonistic and we don’t wanna let him down, not entirely sure the others would agree with him challenging us to come out more though ??

If you want to join us and make a difference to what wildlife we have remaining please send us a PM or email to

If you can spare a few pounds to help with our recent repair bill we, and our wildlife will be most grateful.