Blackmore & Sparkford Vale Hunt, Hedge Farm, Pylle

HIT REPORT : BSV joint meet with the Mendip Farmers 
MEET : Hedge Farm, Pylle
Tuesday 22nd Jan 2019

Today the BSV had a joint meet with the Mendip Farmers and despite being a joint meet there were the lowest number of riders we have seen this season. Usually the BSV field is between 60 and 100 strong but today just 22 riders plus the red coats. Maybe our little bird that tipped us off that the meet had been changed forgot to tell the field ??

After leaving the meet the hunt headed south and we caught up with them as the hounds searched hedgerows around Shepard Pit Plantation. It was a pleasure, as always, to see Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell out and he was on road Shepherd Pit Plantation.

From Pylle Lane we maintained a visual for the most part as the hounds were taken south to Writh Farm. We drove round to the triangular junction south of Foxhole Gully to find utter bedlam on the road. Hunt support were scattered along the verges, riders on the road and the hounds almost spilling onto the A37. Traffic was slowed down and one member of the public was beeping his horn and didn’t seem too pleased to be held up.

The hounds were taken west towards Little Pennard Farm where a search was made of the area. They exited this area onto the road south of Little Pennard Farm then traveled on the road west through little pennard and east Pennard and up into pennard hill farm.

The hunt continued west exiting onto stickleball Lane where the hounds were cast through woodland at side of road with foot support scattered at roadside and in the fields. From here they headed north on the road to the A361 . The hunt and hounds crossed the A361 and headed north on a track by Steanbow Bridge.

Due to the terrain visibility was difficult at times and at this point we lost track of them for a short time. Quads were parked on Chessell Lane and the hunt came out from North Wotton on the road and headed west down Mead Lane (track).

Just after 3.30pm as we turned right off Barrow Lane the hounds came flying across the field beside the Landy in full cry. Sabs were immediately out of the Landy, rating the hounds and spraying the area to cover the foxes scent. Sabs stayed with the hounds round to Hobhouse Farm to ensure this fox was seen away to safety.

The hunt then headed back to Mead Lane (track) where they headed in a southwest direction. 
We kept them in our sights as best we could and eventually they all gathered by a farm on Pennard Lane and we could see them clearly from Stockbridge Lane. From here they went their separate ways, some of the field headed west and the huntsman, hounds and about seven riders, four of whom were leading now riderless horses, headed East down a track to Pennard Lane. By now it was just after 4.30pm and we were happy to be heading home having saved at least one fox !

If you want to join us please send us a PM or email to

If you can spare a few quid to help with our Landy bill we will be most grateful.