Blackmore & Sparkford Vale, Rose & Crown pub, Longburton

MEET ; Rose & Crown Pub, Longburton
Tuesday 29th Jan 2019…

Leaving the Rose and Crown pub at 11.25 the whole hunt went south on the A352 through the village and down to Bradford Lane. They stood around here for a while holding up lots of traffic including lorries who were clearly just trying to get on with their working lives ! Eventually they crossed over into Manor Farm where the huntsman cast the hounds through the farm and surrounding hedgerows trying to pick up on that elusive trail of theirs !!

We say elusive trail but what we really mean is miraculous trail because a fox popped out and ran towards the farm. Just before the fox appeared Edward “the rural genius” Doggrell had been calling the hounds to “get on it” but it was bad timing on his part because sabs immediately sprayed the area, the hounds didn’t pick up and this fox was seen away to safety. The hunt support followed the hunt away from this area and the landy was close behind them.

The huntsman moved off in a southerly direction across land to Seven Ash Plantation. The hounds were cast through this plantation and at one point the huntsman and hounds came out onto the road, the huntsman cantered up the road back to Seven Ash Plantation. Deer were flushed out from this area which is very dangerous beside any road let alone a very busy A road ! The hunt came back out onto the road and crossed over towards Gordons Gorse and Willen Farm where they spent a short time before coming back out onto the A352.

They didn’t find their miraculous trail in either of these areas but they did manage to find another fox and this time the fox ran straight in front of support including Zelda who was quick to point the fox out to the huntsman. Sabs were again immediately out of the Landy to spray but Edward Doggrell kept telling them to leave. He became so desperate, that he dismounted to confront a female sab and a terrier thug began joining in along with some foot support until Mark Dogrell came along and told him ‘no violence’

The surrounding area was soon well sprayed and as the hounds moved away not on the line of this fox – another fox was seen away to safety ! A few hounds were left behind in this area and caused the usual mayhem on the main road as they went after the rest of the pack !

Continuing East we drove to Boys Hill Farm where one rider was heard saying “towards the river, I think”, before he saw the sabs and off we went to Caundle Brook.

The hunt carried on towards Holwell and a very unhappy lady came out to complain about the hunt crossing her land, she has a small holding including sheep and llamas. This lady had a word with the whipper in who said they were allowed there but she replied that they are not. We had a conversation with her and she told us that they trespass all the time and were a nightmare around the area. If the BSV bothered to lay a trial there would not be any trespassing because the trail layer could stick to land they are allowed on but instead the huntsman allows the hounds to chase foxes wherever they may take him !!

Continuing East the huntsman took the hounds to Holwell Hilll Gorse and this area was thoroughly searched before moving on to Holwell Hill Farm where they searched..then on to Holwell Hill Farm and a quad was observed going in.

It was now almost 2pm and there was a quick change of horses here. The hunt them returned towards Holwell and paid a visit to Broke Wood. Broke Wood is a favourite place of the hunt and not far from the Doggrells residence !! A quad was used to try and block us at the junction of Broke Lane – what have you got to hide ???

A search was then made around woods near Burton Common and unsurprisingly the hounds went into cry briefly. They exited the road at Wizard Bridge and spent a while in the area here, Edward Doggrell blocked the road to stop us getting through and then when he moved aside a quad took over the blocking in shenanigans !! Hounds went into cry a few times in this area but not for long. At around 4.15pm they came back onto Broke Lane counting the hounds and continued on to the Doggrells house marking an end to a very busy day !

So once again Mark Doggrell and the rest of the BSV hunt were illegally hunting foxes. This pub must know that this hunt are illegally hunting and harbouring criminals. Please do feel free to let them know your thoughts on
01963 210202

As ever a huge thanks for the financial support we have so desperately needed this season. If you want to come out and help us please send us a PM or email to