Badger cull week four

So week four comes to an end and we have had a very busy week. Had to call pixies in today and have neutralised two areas that were targeting two beautiful, active setts.
During this week we have found setts that despite being targeted are still thriving, found a new sett which is now safely marked on map and spent some time huddled away watching the evil side going about their business. We have also been checking recent cage sites finding them still empty which is great news for the badgers !
We have found blocked holes which are now unblocked but shows this cull has given a green light for year round killing ! Sadly we found a badger dead in the field beside his sett, couldn’t see any wounds on him from bullets or cars !
We would really struggle to this without your donations and the HSA so huge thanks for keeping us in the field ! Got some great work planned for this week both day and night so if you’re reading this and off out to murder badgers expect us !
We will never, ever give up fighting for all our wildlife – night and day we are in fields, woods and hedgerows making a difference to some stripey families.
It’s not too late to join us and there’s a job for everyone so please get in touch either by email or PM – love and solidarity DHS.