World Climate March – Oct 9th
The march is organised by a partnership including Christian Aid, Oxfam International and The Climate Coalition, and is supported by the RSPB, the Woodland Trust and Fridays for Future among others.
People all over the world are committing to walk 1.5 km to show their concern about keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees. What happens is that we take a video of the march and send it to Oxfam who will use it for publicity ahead of the COP 26 talks in November.
Milborne Port Climate and Nature Action are taking part in the World Climate March on Saturday October 9th.
We will gather at 10.15 am on the wide grass verge on Wick Road where it is joined by Court Lane, heading off at 10.30 am along the path that runs on the north side of Manor Road and New Town towards (though not necessarily as far as) Vartenham Hill.
Booking if possible to (/ let me know if you would like to join our emailing list).
If you like, do bring placards (bold letters on the back of an empty cereal packet is an easy way to make one that shows up in photos), dress up and / or bring a musical instrument to join in! Or come as you are! Let’s make a song and dance about our climate!
Wellies or walking boots probably needed. Walking is entirely at your own risk.
Please spread the word to your family and friends whether or not you can make it yourself.
Join us afterwards for an informal pub meeting in the Tippling Philosopher at 12 noon.
Fighting climate change and inequality is for everyone.
The next decade is critical to putting us onto a safer track.
Today’s targets are a long way off what is needed to keep global heating below 1.5°C and prevent the worst impacts of climate change. At COP26 leaders must commit to delivering the 1.5°C goal and their fair share of action. Governments across the world are now making important decisions about how to
By joining the World Climate March you can join other communities and changemakers around the world, and show leaders you want action on the climate crisis and inequality.
Every one of us can help and spark a change for people and our planet.
The World Climate March will mobilize people around the world to march for climate justice.
Just one rule:
Record any part of your march and send us the video.
The World Climate March will mobilize people around the world to march for climate justice. Participate by filming your march, and make it your own by use of costumes, placards, chants, ANYTHING! You can complete the march in any way you like, with your friends, family, by yourself, even during a local or national march!