Milborne Port Climate and Nature Action group
D-Day? It’s Zero Hour for Us All
Our loved ones need us to act now. Here’s a quick and easy no-brainer to show you care! It takes less than a minute.
Critical work needs doing in the UK in the 5 years taking us to the 2030 milestone, that depends on government policies and funding. This is all covered in the Climate and Ecology Bill; our current MP is one of an as yet minority country-wide that supports the Bill
There is an excellent campaign being run by Zero Hour with the aim of asking every prospective parliamentary candidate for the next General Election to back the Bill.
You can sign as an individual, and businesses and community clubs and groups can sign too. Please ask those you work for or belong to. Every signature gives more encouragement and incentive to our candidates to act, and will also help snowball support around the country.
When you’ve signed here please share the online open letter with your friends and family:
(Use to share more widely).
Here’s One Thing To Do: Sign the Zero Hour Open Letter today!
Our next meeting on March 7th, is postponed to March 21st, 7.30pm upstairs, Town Hall.