November 2022 update

COP 27 is this month. Overwhelmingly, vitally important. On November 12th, crowds of people will be coming out on the streets of major cities in support of climate justice. The nearest gathering to Milborne Port is Bristol; meet at noon on College Green. Some of us will be going; get in touch if you’d like to join us.

(Google ‘climate justice COP 27’ to find out more.)    

Remember, remember… Hedgehogs & Bonfires don’t mix! As hedgehogs respond to danger by curling into a ball rather than fleeing they will die; so please only light a bonfire that you have just made or moved that day in case hedgehogs may be hibernating there. (They get up periodically during the winter for a drink and may move to a new spot so this precaution is necessary throughout the winter and, indeed, at all times of year).

Hedge planting  11-1pm & 2-4pm  Sunday November 13th We aim to finish the new line of hedge on the outer side of the recreation ground fence that day. Any extra volunteers welcome. Please email Sarah for details and updates. Our previous two years’ plantings are doing well, helped along with judicious weeding and watering.

Try out a pedal-assist electric bike on Saturday 19th November 2-4 pm! Meet by Kingsbury Bridge. (Men and women’s sizes only). Described as a silver bullet for climate-friendly transport, they are way more than a cheaty-bike and can take the place of a second car. You can go much further in the same time since you can pedal faster on the flat and much faster going uphill. Furthermore, you don’t arrive in a sweat at the other end. If you’re striving to follow the call for active local journeys, an e-bike may help. You’ll be able to try them on the flat and uphill. We may ask to hold onto your mobile phone as a deposit while you have a go.

Personal steps to net zero  Lucy MacArthur writes: “I bought an E-bike two years ago, to have an alternative to using our car (we have always been a one-car couple – for carbon footprint reduction) when a journey might seem too far, too daunting, or too time consuming by my non-E-bike.  I have never looked back!  Mostly used for getting to and from Sherborne (for work – on the back roads) but gradually venturing a bit further.  It provides a reasonable amount of the exercise goal I set myself, it often gets me to Sherborne as quickly as the car (and is a quicker journey than the bus, in view of the walk to the bus stop) and it gives me confidence when I have to negotiate a main road, especially going uphill!

“It is an Easi-go Commute X from Riley’s in Sherborne.  The battery can give me 35 miles plus from a full charge (depending on how much I use the power).  I aim to visit a friend who lives east of Shaftesbury soon, charge up overnight and ride back the next day.

“Our next carbon cutting plan (in addition to those already being used) is to get our loft re-insulated to make our home more energy efficient – this may have to wait until Spring 2023 but is definitely on the way!”

Pre-Christmas Freecycle weekend! November 26th -27th. All day. Weather permitting. We’ll postpone to the following weekend if it’s wet. Please make sure you remove anything that’s leftover and take care not to obstruct pavements or walkways – you’re responsible for what you put on your doorstep until someone rehomes it. We’ll do another in the New Year. If you’d like a poster to put up please email Sarah on the address below. Look out for updates on Milborne Port News and Everything Facebook page. And by all means let others know where and what you are offering on Facebook.

Energy saving & the cost of living crisis There are compelling reasons to save energy (money; climate; Ukraine) and so many ways to do so.