Thought Of The Day: Organisation, Discipline, Commitment, and Ideas

The prospect of revolution, where those claiming to organise for it are concerned, lack commitment, organisation, ideas, and discipline. This is becoming an even greater undeniable reality as time progresses. So-called “revolutionaries” are in denial about this. Of course people come to revolutionary politics in different ways and for varying reasons. People also develop and act at different rates and levels. In despite of these points, we can no longer sit in denial that self-professed revolutionaries lack the organisation, discipline; commitment, and ideas to make revolution happen, at any level and rate. Indeed, many even shun and work against these vital revolutionary qualities (and encourage others to do so). There is also a severe lack of willpower and get-up-and-go. In short, too many are outright lazy.

Too many balk at responsibility and a sense of collective action. Too many see themselves and their “politics” as ‘personal’ and a part of some scene or subculture.

What is to be done? Get up off your arses and organise with commitment, ideas, and discipline.

The Black Panther Party or the Industrial Workers of the World of yesteryear did not just sit there and wait for someone else to do it. The Poll Tax rebels did not sit around wishing for some kind of resistance to happen. Anti-Fascist Action (in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland) or the Red Front fighters in Germany (early half of the 20th century) did not sit and mentally masturbate to the idea of fighting fascists. The National Unemployed Workers’ Movement or those in industrial disputes of the past did not wait for someone else to take the lead. They went out and did it. They found people, argued for their ideas, worked out a plan of action, committed and applied themselves, and took action. Basically they organised. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it is demoralising, sometimes it is tiring, and sometimes it is boring. Despite all of those negatives, what needs to be done, needs to be done. SO DO IT!

Thought Of The Day: Nick Griffin, Corbynista?

Posh boy fascist Nick Griffin, former British National Party leader (as well as former National Front member and International Third Position co-founder) has recently came out and said that he is going to vote for the Labour Party. As it turns out, he is a bit of a Jeremy Corbyn fan boy, especially over the recent Syria issue. Now it has been established that Griffin is a closet Corbyn fan boy, I wonder how all of the other Corbyn fans will cope with this bit of news. I think that the Corbynistas will somehow try and excuse his expression of support. It would not be the first time a dodgy geezer has expressed support for Corbyn. I will admit that I am wrong on this if I am indeed, wrong. Having said that, if anything I think this is going to be a real laugh, whatever happens.