Thought Of The Day: Drug Dealers, Revolutionary?

A couple of months ago I went on an anti-heroin and crack dealer action, and a couple of people accused us of being “counter-revolutionary.” Forgive me if I am wrong, but to present opposing heroin and crack cocaine dealers, who represent naked capitalism (and not as victims at that) in one of its worst forms, as counter-revolutionary would assume that heroin and crack dealing is a revolutionary act. To anyone with even a modicum of sense, peddling this poison is not only non-revolutionary, it is indeed COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY (and so are its apologists) and ANTI-WORKING CLASS!

Thought Of The Day: Gentrification And Imperialism

As an agent of neoliberalism, in current and former colonies gentrification is little more than an extension of imperialism by other means. This is the case even when the gentrifiers are indigenous or other colonised peoples. It is economic, political, and social colonisation of the working class by the international and domestic middle and upper classes. In the end it is always the working class generally which is colonised. and the colonisers are the hipsters and other yuppies.

Thought Of The Day: A Copper Once Said

I was sit in a police station after having been arrested during a protest, and also sat within earshot was a friend of mine who had also been arrested on the same protest.

Next to my friend was a copper who had just finished searching him. The copper was trying to engage my friend in conversation, a common tactic to loosen you up and get you to talk (remember, a copper is never your mate and never on your side). What did strike me was something the copper said, something I actually one hundred percent agree with. The copper turned to my mate and said, in a false but friendly tone, “all of these protests that you are all having will stop once the Labour Party gets into power, just you watch.” I sat there thinking “actually, you are on the money there.” I find it hard to say but for once, a copper was right.

What the copper meant was that should the Labour Party get back into Number 10, people will drop their guard and not say a peep to the Labour Party. Why would this be? Well because for one a lot of these protests against the government are organised by the ‘mainstream’ unions, and the bureaucracy of these unions (and sadly sections of their membership) are up the Labour Party’s arse! “Ooo the Labour Party are on our side” is often the mantra. All confrontational attitudes towards the state will be dropped, as will all agitation against austerity, community issues, workplace issues, and other bread and butter areas of activism. This will be dropped for a) to raise and run a campaign in order to get the Labour Party elected (thus neglecting grassroots campaigns), and b) because continuing agitation around the aforementioned areas of activism will inevitably run into confrontation with the Labour Party. It will run into confrontation not just on a local level (where Labour Party apologists and sycophants can blame rogue and unprincipled councillors, rather than the fundamental nature of the Labour Party itself), but on a central level. This will also mean further revealing the true nature of the Labour Party, something which the social democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent from happening. Uncomfortable questions and conditions will arise for Labour Party members, supporters, and apologists alike.

I can already see this happening. Ever since Jeremy Corbyn entered the equation, I have seen far too many grassroots activists drop very decent, and increasingly effective, campaigns around bread and butter issues. These campaigns have been left dead and have gone to wrack and ruin, or have disappeared entirely. This is because most of those who ran these campaigns have jumped onto this new trendy and sexy fad, Jeremy Corbyn. Those issues no longer matter, it is all about “Jeremy” now (give it a rest, as if you know him personally). For a while a lot of these campaigns were combative and presenting a challenge to the status quo on a local level. Now there is no such challenge, and the state on a national and local level are free to carry out their attacks unhindered in any way, the Labour Party included.

Now there is nothing, and the copper was right, sadly.

Thought Of The Day: Russell Brand?

Whatever happened to the trendy left’s messiah, Russell Brand? At one point the entire trendy left all thought that he was some kind of messiah who is going to deliver everyone from evil. Absolutely laughable Trot group Counterfire, even held meetings about his crap book, the rubbishly (or ironically) titled “Revolution”. That is all you ever heard, Russell Brand this, Russell Brand that, but now? Not a word, not a whisper. Oh wait I know what happened, Jeremy Corbyn happened. Even strangely enough though, all of the sad cases who infest the trendy left were once fawning over the other bunch of sad cases in the Green Party. Very telling about the trendy lefty mindset.

Thought Of The Day: Take A Break

…but do not have a Kit Kat, because they are vile now.

On a serious note, taking a break is important, especially for those of us who are constantly on the go with politics. Having a laugh, socialising, switching off, and putting your feet up keeps us fresh and ready for the battle.

Thought Of The Day: It Kills

Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Antiterrorist Liberation Groups  (Spain and the Basque Country), and the Labour Party sending troops onto the streets of the North of Ireland (occupied six counties). What do all of these things have in common? Think about it, that is right, social democracy. Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were killed by Freikorps (, on the order of the social democratic Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany). The so-called “Antiterrorist Liberation Groups” (Spanish state sponsored right-wing death squads) were set up by Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, social democratic rather than socialist) to violently suppress the Basque independence movement. The main social democratic party in England, Wales and Scotland, the Labour Party, sent British military troops onto the streets of occupied Ireland, to aid the sectarian Royal Ulster Constabulary, preserve the status quo, and to suppress the civil rights and Irish republican movements, as well as the Irish population generally.

This is just a tiny, tiny amount of what social democracy has done.

So remember, SOCIAL DEMOCRACY KILLS! Kill it before it kills us!

Thought Of The Day: The Rise Of The Machines

Unfortunately for most of us we all live in a capitalist world, and there is no ‘opt out’ from that. Because of this we require money to survive and most of us (with the exception of the idle rich), in one way or another, perform some sort of work to get that money. Automation, in the here and now, is an increasing threat to that income. It has in many cases, and could potentially in even more future cases, rob us of that work and the means to survive in this capitalist dictatorship world. No jobs, no money, no way to survive, the formula is simple. The threat of capitalist automation is especially stark for those of us who only have our hands (in some cases metaphorically speaking, as some workers do not have hands), our labour power. In a post-capitalist, socialist world, where our means of survival are secured, automation would be a desirable tool for us to regain and salvage more of our time on this Earth. More time to ourselves, more time to enjoy our lives. However…

Mark Carney, head of the Bank of England, 2 days ago claimed that automation in this present day capitalist world, could lead to a rise in Marxism. This is because it would have the effect of creating mass unemployment and wage stagnation. He is a smart man, and he is right. As a class we are not stupid, despite what the Left, Right and all other shite claim. We know that when the shit hits the fan something needs to be done. Like in yesterday’s Thought Of The Day, how hard it will be to get people to do something about it is another question. However, when people are backed into a corner, we come out fighting. It should not have to come to that in order to get us to fight back, we had a chance to prevent it. Regrettably though, it has come to that.

With all of this is in mind, and a somewhat optimistic outlook, I say BRING IT ON!

Thought Of The Day: What Do They Have To Do?

Very high numbers of homeless people on the streets, cost of living on the rise, an autocratic Prime Minister who can, and does, bomb at will, zero hours contracts, shit wages. We have poor workplace health and safety, spying, stifling of dissent (“Prevent”, police spying, physical brutality, etc.), food banks; slave labour abroad, and on and on and on. Considering all of this which exists in the present day, what does the state and capitalism have to do before we, the working class people, stand up and shout “enough is enough”? What do they have to do before we finally do something about it?

The things which I have listed here are small, but by no means unimportant, elements of what is going on. This will continue if we just sit back and tolerate it. It will continue unless we pay more interest in the real world around us, rather than the opium of the X-Factor, Britain’s Got Talent, I’m A Celebrity, and other bland rubbish. Of course we all love to kick back and forget about the shit that goes on in the real world, I do. I love my TV shows, films and music. I love to go out with mates. This is only ‘normal’ and healthy. What I am saying is that if we choose to constantly turn our heads away from what is going on, things are not going to chance, but only get worse. Our apathy is a license for capitalism to do these things to us, and others.

Think about this, let it sink in.