Mass Squatting Action!

Around 150 – 175 people gathered for SNOB(AHA)’s mass squatting action on Saturday 13th, taking advantage of the brief lull in the bad weather to fight back against the Squatban.

Led by a large banner saying “SQUATTERS RIGHTS OR SQUATTER RIOTS”, people marched up Edward Street, past the Law Courts, and round on to St James’ Street, where two squatters climbed and hung a banner saying “BETTER TO SQUAT THAN LET HOMES ROT” on the front of Darkside, an ex-residental squat that has been left empty for three years.

Chanting “No homes, no peace, fuck the police!”, the march then moved on up North Street, past Churchill Square and proceeded to occupy a 5 story vacant shop on Western Road (an ex-HMV). Around 40 people stormed into an unsecured back entrance and hung banners from the roof and inside the windows. Many other supporters remained outside to watch and cheer on the occupiers.

Leaving a group in occupation of the building, the march continued, despite the rain, back the way it had come, through the North Laines and on to London Road, where it finished up at a newly squatted art gallery run by a collective of radical artists called CRAB.

All in all, a very successful day with a large public crack being carried out on the main shopping street of Brighton, in front of hundreds of shoppers, tourists and supporters.

SNOB(AHA) would like to thank all those who came out in solidarity despite the weather (it hailed on us at one point). A special award goes to Sussex Police Liaison team who provided us with much laughter and totally failed to stop our direct action.