ABORT 67 ARE an anti-choice group infamous for their tactic of using large images of aborted foetuses to upset and anger passers by, or as they put it ‘show the truth about abortion’. The group take these graphic images out of context in an attempt to turn people against abortion, and shame women who have had procedures. On the 9th November, Abort 67 came to the University of Bristol, armed with large banners and posters. The university was not a random target; it was targeted as the students’ union has a clear pro-choice policy. The university, along with others around the country, including Sussex and Nottingham, have been targeted as part of an anti-choice university tour. At Bristol we were not warned of Abort 67’s planned visit but managed to throw a quick counter-protest together in order to obscure most of the posters. We created make-shift banners to block Abort 67’s graphic images, including one that had previously been used to advertise student elections. Ninety independent complaints from students were lodged with the police so it is clear that the group are not welcome. Many staff members and students came over to thank us for showing opposition to Abort 67’s disgusting tactics. Distressingly, I saw many young women visibly upset by the images, clutching each other as they walked or shielding their eyes with folders. For Abort 67 this pain is seen as necessary to further their cause, but I was shocked to hear that their ultimate aim was not to make abortion illegal but ‘unthinkable’. The group wants to do this through shaming, intimidation and brainwashing both women and men.
Members of Abort 67 continually attempted to engage us in conversation, which inevitably went round in circles. I told one member that the images were taken out of their medical context; a heart operation would look disgusting if you blew up the image on a massive poster, but that doesn’t mean the operation is wrong. She said that this was different as it was not a ‘life’, when I replied that the image she was showing was not actually a human life yet she said if that was so I shouldn’t be upset by it! A male member of the group told one of our female union officers that having sex was a ‘sin’ and would result in catching S.T.I.s.
The group returned to the University on the 23rd November and claim that they want to make their visits a regular event. We must stop this from happening by continuing to obstruct their demonstrations. Students must not fear being confronted by this divisive and misogynistic group, that claim having an abortion is the most selfish thing a woman can do. Abortions are a legal right in this country and women have the right to have control over their own bodies without fear of intimidation.