ARE YOU READY for yet another change to your benefits? More money is being taken from our pockets and being wasted in overhauling the benefit system. It seems all very confusing but it basically boils down to less money for the vulnerable, disabled, unemployed and elderly and more in the back pockets of the rich. You will also need a computer and the internet, two costly commodities for your home, which these categories are unlikely to be able to afford or be able to use (15 million people do not have a computer in the U.K., 8,000 of which have never used the internet!). It will mean more job losses for those who work for the benefit system, and cuts to pay and pensions. And for those of you who find it difficult to manage money, have bills coming out all over the month or do not have the time to sort it all out due to kids etc., your benefits will be coming to you in one lump sum! For most this will mean bouncing in and out of your overdraft, paying more money to the banks for the pleasure. You will now not be able to work up to 16 hours a week and claim J.S.A., and anything you work will be deducted from your benefits, so you will end up losing a lot more and having to work for it. The new scheme will be put into action between 2013 and 2017, but we in the southwest will be hit first, starting with the pilot study in Bath and and surrounds. So get ready with your complaint letters, e-mails and phone calls to council and local M.P.s. Go to the benefits office and council house, make a big fuss and egg on the staff to complain to their bosses too! And anything else you may think of to show your anger and stress; it’s time to nip this in the bud now.



 ON THURSDAY 6th September 20 concerned locals from Bath and Bristol met up outside ATOS offices at Flowers Hill in Bristol, to show their disgust at the I.T. company’s sick treatment of those who are sick and disabled. The protest came amid a wave of action which saw disabled and anti-cuts activists taking to the streets in dozens of towns and cities across the U.K., highlighting the hypocrisy of ATOS’ sponsorship of the Paralympics. In London, in an action planned to coincide with the Paralympic closing ceremony, hundreds of disabled people protested outside ATOS H.Q. and occupied the D.W.P., where out-of-control cops broke the arm of a disabled protester. Even the Paralympic Team G.B. joined the protest, hiding their ATOS-sponsored badges throughout the opening ceremony! As mentioned in our previous issue, ATOS are being handed tax payers’ money to kick people off incapacity benefits. Their tests include whether someone can stand for one minute, or lift their hand above their head, and no medical notes from the claimants’ G.P.s are considered. The offices in Bristol, where claimants are forced to have these assessments, is a 20 minute bus ride from the centre, in a commercial estate without disabled access: apparently the company’s idea of testing vulnerable people before they even arrive.

On the day, protesters handed out leaflets to passing drivers and pedestrians, to a good response. One passerby told how their partner was booted off benefits despite her crippling arthritis, meaning that some days she couldn’t even get out of bed! However, she managed to get them reinstated after a harrowing five month battle, suffering loss of money and increased stress from the uncertainty of her case. The protesters made contact with several claimants themselves being forced through this ordeal, who the campaigners will be able to help through a new action group being set up: Community Action Network. The group is designed to help those who are not only being kicked off their benefits, but are also being kicked out of their homes, schools and day centres, or otherwise shafted by the cuts. As well as undertaking legal casework, C.A.N. will employ direct action – intervening to prevent bailiffs, ATOS and other assorted scum making our lives more miserable. The group is made up of current and former Citizens Advice Bureau staff, alongside radical social workers, teachers, debt advisors, solicitors, claimants, carers and others. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly and would like help or advice, or would like to help please e-mail: thecommunityactionnetwork[at]gmail.co.uk



IN YET MORE positive public transport-related news, a new campaign in the northeast has been setting a great example of how to deal with over-priced, profit-driven public transport. With fare prices shooting up and up, increasing numbers have been finding travel on the Tyne and Wear metro system an increasing financial burden. Enter ‘Checky Watch’, a leaderless movement dedicated to providing commuters with up-to-date information on the whereabouts of ticket inspectors (“checkies”) to help the hard-up people keep their quids. The campaign, started by 21 year-old Ben Heywood from Jarrow, attracted 10,000 Facebook followers in its first week and now has it’s own website, featuring intel on checky movements, and is organising public protests against the increasing cost of fares. From the start, the campaign has made it clear that the aim of the action is not to dodge paying for public transport indefinitely, but to pressure transport companies into charging affordable fares. A Checky Watch organiser said “This is not pushing to make Metros free, it’s trying to get the prices down. One person can’t make a difference, but 5,000-odd can.” And how have the metro bosses responded? Obviously not by taking the demands of commuters seriously, but by announcing plans to spend hundreds of thousands on expensive barriers and security checks!

Even though their demands have not yet been met, Checky Watch is a great example of how ordinary people, organising together, can fight back and win improvements in our daily living conditions when we stop begging for scraps off the table and take matters into our own hands.

Before signing off though, The Mutineer would like to remind it’s readers that, while fare-dodging (especially against rip-off merchants) is both big and clever, the checkies themselves are getting ripped off by the same company that rips off its commuters, with attacks on wages and working conditions. The bosses can deal with the odd fare dodger and even the occasional strike, but checkies and Checky Watchers uniting would be enough to make any fare-hiking, wage-slashing capitalist quake in their loafers.



As he is after all the Duke of Cornwall and owns much of the land that we call home and is owed our patriotism and leal duty, it is only fitting that we offer up a regular column for the worldly wisdom of our future Sovereign King and Commander-in-Chief, H.R.H. Prince Charles. This month, Charlie pontificates on what the bloody hell those Cornish oldies are moaning about. Take it away, Your Highness!

GOOD, ERR.. EVENING..? ladies and gentlemen

Now, I have always liked to consider myself, first and foremost, a man of the people. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for all you rabble, going about your quaint little lives. Just like all the rugged, robust furry animals and our delightful woodland – many of which are mine, you know – yes, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for you. Many of you are mine, you know.

Yes, I’m essentially just like you. Oh yes, I have bodyguards and tedious hangers-on bowing and doffing their caps and I’m considerably more comfortable, hah, but I’m just like you. I enjoy the ballet and Eisteddfod, and I’m partial to the odd tipple, and shoot the shit on Friday nights(by shit, one of course means grouse, pheasant, deer, poachers – the list goes on), and I like to watch a good kick-about. Yes, watching my boys give a trespassing pleb a good kick-about always brings a smile to one’s face.

Anyway, this month I’d like to give a good dressing down to those bloody pensioners in Cornwall who have been moaning about all their care homes being privatised. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the elderly, particularly when they’re doing what they should – voting U.K.I.P., talking about spitfires and sending lovely letters to Mumsie – but this is bloody bolshevism! Listen, my own dear Mumsie has private home-care and let me assure you, it’s top bloody notch, and if it’s good enough for Mumsie it’s bloody well good enough for the proles! It’s not as if privatising the homes will plunge the elderly into a mismanaged, uncaring nightmare system run for profit, rather than compassion. No, quite the opposite, if Mumsie’s is any example. All this protest and hoo-har – well, yes, quaint, considerably, but it simply boggles the mind.

But anyway, that aside, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you, the Westcountry Mountaineer. I’ve always been partial to a bit of freebasing.

Now why won’t that stupid boy put some clothes on? If he can’t win the odd spot of billiards, then he’s no son of mine.


LOCALS WHO CARE about vulnerable children, and other bleeding heart liberals, have been left outraged by South Gloucestershire Council’s I.C.P.C. (Ignore Children and People Committee) decision to close nine local children’s centres. According to council spokessnake R. Soul: “The decision taken by the committee on July 25 was based on proposals that were formulated earlier this year and were subject to expensive public consultation from March to May. The programme included surveys, six public meetings, trade union and staff briefings, events with a wide range of stakeholders and a variety of information provided through consultation documents that were widely distributed, promoted through the local media and available on the council website, the results of which were promptly ignored.” During the extensive meeting, which lasted 10 minutes, councillors decided to cut the number of children’s homes in priority areas from 15 to six, and transfer out the other nine. Reports that the council are recommending excess children to Work Experience schemes in the saltmines cannot be confirmed at this time.



ON THURSDAY 26TH July up to 200 people attended a demonstration at the Council House in Bristol, called by Bristol And District Anti-Cuts Alliance, over proposals to close care homes. Bristol City Council intend to close eight of its remaining care homes and seven council-run day centres. This will mean more privatisation, worse service standards, less accountability, and less jobs. The private providers will of course pay lower wages and spend less on training. By getting these services on the cheap, the council will save money at the expense of the elderly, the vulnerable and everyone else. The council calls this ‘modernisation’: everyone else calls them ‘cuts’. And, of course, in the last year, the remaining council-run home ‘care’ service has already been privatised and grants to voluntary groups running services like lunch clubs and day centres have been slashed. The demo was attended by carers, residents, workers at the homes and supporters of B.A.D.A.C.A. and Bath Anti-Cuts Alliance. Members of the council were passionately addressed by members of the demo.

The first two care homes are planned to close before the end of this year, but B.A.D.A.C.A. is working with those affected, both residents and staff, to prevent this. The next full council meeting on Tuesday September 18th will be a key event. B.A.D.A.C.A. and others will be holding a mass lobby of this meeting to tell the council that Bristol doesn’t accept these closures. Please help spread the word:

Lobby of Bristol City Council Meeting: Tuesday 18th September

Venue: Council House, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR

Time: 5.00p.m.

Please come along and tell councillors what the people of Bristol think of their cut-throat plans. For more information, e-mail admin[at]bristolanticutsalliance.org.uk.

Meanwhile in Bath, staff at the Royal United Hospital have warned that they will consider strike action over proposals to damage their working lives. The hospital has joined 18 other health bodies in the southwest to controversially form the P.T.C. cartel, as part of the Con-Dem’s plot to slash funding to the tune of £20 billion – nearly a fifth of the N.H.S.’s entire annual budget. The R.U.H. has even gone so far as to throw £10,000 of public funding at a new directorial post, whose sole aim is destroying nurses’ pay and conditions. The next Bath Anti-Cuts Alliance organising meeting on the 4th September, at 8p.m., in the upstairs of the Ram pub in Widcombe, will be discussing how we can support these workers. This assault in hospital workers, and resistance to it, looks set to go country wide very soon. More to follow.





OCTOBER 20TH WILL see hundreds of thousands descend on London for what is being billed as the biggest protest yet against the cuts. The demo, organised by the T.U.C., follows a steady stream of resistance to austerity over the last couple of years, including the massive March 26th demo of 2011 which saw 500,000 people swamp London, and banks, posh hotels and stores like the Ritz getting a much deserved ‘redecoration’. With the Coalition’s popularity at an all-time low, and the arguments for austerity in tatters, why not come along and let Cameron and his millionaire mates know we’re not going to take it any more? In the run up to the demo, teachers and other public sector workers will be on strike and there will be large protests at the Tory conference in Brum on the 7th – all in all, a ballache for the Bullingdon boys! There will be something for everyone – as well as a massive, peaceful march, direct action groups are already organising to make sure we give the rich and powerful their just desserts. Dozens of coaches will be travelling to the demo from all over the southwest – check out http://www.falseeconomy.org.uk/oct20 for up-to-date info on transport options near you.


OVER 157,000 FAMILIES across Devon and Cornwall are set to see their council tax bills soar following government reforms to the way council tax benefit is allocated. Authorities throughout Devon and the rest of the west are planning to scrap 100% council tax discount for people living on or below the poverty line, including jobseekers, single parents, the seriously ill or disabled and their full-time carers. This will mean that some of the most vulnerable people throughout the region will see their bill rise by up to 30%. The government has claimed that forcing the sick and poor into even deeper poverty will help end a ‘something for nothing’ culture in the west. However, the reality is that thousands in the region rely on the council tax break to keep their heads above water – the real ‘something for nothing’ culture exists in Westminster and every corporate boardroom across the country, where huge tax breaks, expenses claims and bonuses make sure that those who already have too much continue to rake it in and screw the rest.

The changes will even affect low-income workers who only receive a fractional reduction. In Plymouth, the council is proposing that even the poorest can only receive a maximum 70% council tax allowance, meaning many households will be footing up to an additional £400. Meanwhile, Torbay Council is proposing charging everyone at least 25%. Cornwall Council’s proposals will be made public at its next Cabinet meeting. East Devon, Exeter, North Devon, South Hams and Torridge district councils are suggesting a 30% charge, and Mid Devon, Teignbridge and West Devon districts 25%. Meanwhile, local bastard/Conservative council leader Philip Sanders, said “The shortage in funding means that we will have to make some difficult decisions about who gets financial help and how much they get.” But don’t worry – many areas of the west, such as Plymouth, are Labour-controlled – they won’t let this pass – right? Wrong. Labour Councillor Mark Lowry grumbles a bit, but rather than defying Westminster and standing up for his constituents, Lowry meekly concedes to something he knows is wrong, but will go along with anyway to avoid kicking up a fuss. Labour high-ranker and eternal disappointment to his dad Hilary Benn rounds out the attitude of Labour party leaders when he says: “Local authorities face a terrible dilemma. Do they increase council taxes on the working poor, or the disabled, or families with young children?” The answer apparently is a resounding “Yes!” With friends like these, who needs Tories?


 WORKERS FROM THE threatened Remploy program occupied their manager’s office in protest to the planned closure of their workplaces. Remploy is a government-run group of workplaces, providing employment for people with a range of disabilities. By the end of the year, the Coalition plans to close more than half of Remploy’s 54 sites, resulting in the loss of over 1,700 jobs. As part of its brutal program of austerity, and in keeping with its passion for hitting the poorest and most vulnerable hardest, they insist that the workers should be able to find ‘normal’ jobs in private industry. The facts paint a different picture – following the last round of jobs cuts at Remploy two years back, 85% of workers are still unemployed. After the most recent round of factory closures, some bosses didn’t even have the guts to let the workers – some with learning difficulties – know face-to-face that they were being made redundant. The hypocrisy is doubly hard to bear when it comes from a government attempting to ride a wave of popularity off the back of the Paralympics, while tossing disabled workers – including Brian Davies, a Remploy worker who has won four Paralympic gold medals – on the scrapheap.

On August 23rd, having booked a meeting to talk with a senior Remploy boss in Leicester, Remploy workers decided it would be more productive to occupy his office, refusing to leave until the Disabilities Minister, Maria Miller, committed to further negotiations before the closing of any factories! The workers are determined to fight back, with five days of strike action planned for early this month. They have called for solidarity in their fight for dignified employment; if you would like to support the Remploy workers, check out their website at http://www.remployworkers.info.

On the other hand, what to do when strikes and occupations fail? Well, we hope Remploy won’t follow the burning example of the Maruti Suzuki carplant staff in India. On the 9th July, following over a year of wage disputes and a poorly-timed nasty comment from a supervisor, the workers kicked off, ransacked offices, and then apparently locked the execs in a room and lit them up! Nine police were injured in the battle, an H.R. Manager fried, and at least 99 arrests were made. But honestly, we’ve all dreamed bout torching the boss, right?




WHAT WITH THE govermint cuts and with the price of food, rent and bills skyrocketing, it can be difficult to scrape enough to get by. Final warnings may start to pile up and then a bloke who looks like he’s on steroids starts knocking at your door. What do you do? Well, don’t panic, Aunty Parsons has a few tips!

First DO NOT invite the bailiff into your house. They may ask if they can discuss your debts inside your home, or they may try and march in as soon as you answer the door. As with any stranger, always answer the door with the chain on. All bailiffs should carry I.D.; always ask for it and for a copy of the warrant they are collecting. A bailiff cannot use force to gain access to your home – they can only enter via what is known as ‘peaceful entry’, including entering through an unlocked door or window. Pushing their way past you at the front door is forcible entry and isn’t allowed, so if possible try to catch them on film and report it.

If a bailiff gets into your house, they are allowed to come back at any time and force entry, even into locked areas, and they will take anything unless you have a receipt proving something isn’t yours. It isn’t illegal to hide things outside of your home; what they can’t find they can’t nick! They can’t take anything which you can claim is related to your work or is necessary for you to live; like a builder’s van or your fridge and clothes. They also have to leave you one TV… They will get you to sign a ‘Walking Possession Agreement’. This means that you agree not to remove these goods and that you acknowledge they now belong to the bailiff, and they will be back later for it. Be warned they will charge you more money for each visit if you then decide to hide from them! The bailiff will usually keep visiting and if they are unable to get in, or if you have insufficient goods to pay your debts and the bailiffs’ full costs, the warrant for the debt will be eventually be returned to the Court. If the debt is in respect of rent, then they are only allowed to visit during daylight hours; for other debts, it’s any ‘reasonable time of day’. Complain to the company if not and keep a record!

If you’re expecting these filth it may be useful to let your mates know and get them to come round at short notice, so if they do turn up and throw their weight around, you have witnesses; sufficient numbers may also prevent their entry on Health and Safety grounds, and gives you that great satisfaction of victory! As an aside, on Swindon’s Penhill estate, a bailiff’s harrassment of residents was recently cut short when he ended up mysteriously bruised by unidentified assailants.

Remember, don’t get your stuff stolen by the rich! Get advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau, if in doubt. Or, if you have any questions, please send us an e-mail, addressed to Aunty Parsons, and we’ll get back to you.