ON THURSDAY 6th September 20 concerned locals from Bath and Bristol met up outside ATOS offices at Flowers Hill in Bristol, to show their disgust at the I.T. company’s sick treatment of those who are sick and disabled. The protest came amid a wave of action which saw disabled and anti-cuts activists taking to the streets in dozens of towns and cities across the U.K., highlighting the hypocrisy of ATOS’ sponsorship of the Paralympics. In London, in an action planned to coincide with the Paralympic closing ceremony, hundreds of disabled people protested outside ATOS H.Q. and occupied the D.W.P., where out-of-control cops broke the arm of a disabled protester. Even the Paralympic Team G.B. joined the protest, hiding their ATOS-sponsored badges throughout the opening ceremony! As mentioned in our previous issue, ATOS are being handed tax payers’ money to kick people off incapacity benefits. Their tests include whether someone can stand for one minute, or lift their hand above their head, and no medical notes from the claimants’ G.P.s are considered. The offices in Bristol, where claimants are forced to have these assessments, is a 20 minute bus ride from the centre, in a commercial estate without disabled access: apparently the company’s idea of testing vulnerable people before they even arrive.

On the day, protesters handed out leaflets to passing drivers and pedestrians, to a good response. One passerby told how their partner was booted off benefits despite her crippling arthritis, meaning that some days she couldn’t even get out of bed! However, she managed to get them reinstated after a harrowing five month battle, suffering loss of money and increased stress from the uncertainty of her case. The protesters made contact with several claimants themselves being forced through this ordeal, who the campaigners will be able to help through a new action group being set up: Community Action Network. The group is designed to help those who are not only being kicked off their benefits, but are also being kicked out of their homes, schools and day centres, or otherwise shafted by the cuts. As well as undertaking legal casework, C.A.N. will employ direct action – intervening to prevent bailiffs, ATOS and other assorted scum making our lives more miserable. The group is made up of current and former Citizens Advice Bureau staff, alongside radical social workers, teachers, debt advisors, solicitors, claimants, carers and others. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly and would like help or advice, or would like to help please e-mail: thecommunityactionnetwork[at]


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