AS EVERYONE ALREADY knows, it has been revealed over the last week that the rozzers have been found using the identities of dead infants for their nefarious plans to infiltrate known extreme fringes of hippydom that threatens the sovereignty of Our Proud Empire. This has no doubt caused outrage amongst the general public (including muesli-eating Guardian readers and Middle England Daily Heil readers), and the paying public are demanding executions – or just short.

While we find this latest tactic disturbing, we have to ask why are people acting so fucking surprised? This has been treated as if the police would not reach these depraved depths, despite all evidence to the contrary: all the Ian Tomlinson manslaughter cases, all the institutional racism and Stephen Lawrence, the Hillsborough cover-up, undercovers getting under the bed covers of activists, Mark Duggan’s killing, Wapping and the attacks on striking workers, attacks and incitement of demonstrators, and all the fit-ups and corruption and lying to protect their own dodgy colleagues all throughout their history.

While we don’t mean to downplay the severity of this latest scandal, we question why such scandals filter out of the public’s mind so quickly, only to resurface with a dollop of fresh outrage at the police’s next offence. If in a couple weeks’ time the media has forgotten all about these children and their parents’ plight, it won’t mean that the police are suddenly our best friends again. We feel that people need to remember that this will not be the last time the filth will pull off such an abuse of power, even if they sacrifice one ‘bad apple’ or two to take the fall.

It bears repeating that the police are not servants of the public trust, but actually they are the snarling hounds of the ruling class, snapping and stretching at the leash – they are a private army, a mercenary corporation, who sell their brutality to the highest bidder: and they see the general public as their enemy – whether they state it in those terms or not.

They will continue to find ways to find ways to fuck us over as and when they can get away with it, and we need to keep this truth clear in our minds, or things will continue to get worse, unchecked and unending.


Bereaved parents: coppers have set their sights on you
The Jackal in a less convincing role [above]

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